Unit 10 Flashcards
What happens with volcanic massive sulfide hydrothermal vents?
High temp water and gas is expelled from the plate boundaries, within the gas and water there are metals that cool almost instantaneously on the ocean floor.
What are porphyry deposits?
From around cooling felsic (Iron rich) magma stock in the upper continental crust metals in the surrounding rock begin to dissolve and concentrate into metal rich hoit water, Basically just concentrates the metal in one area. Just dine bt ground water.
What are epithermal vein deposits?
they from from the same metal rich fluids in porphyry deposits these are just closer to the surface
Banded Iron formation
Iron rich rock deposits that formed during the great oxidation which was when oxygen in the atmosphere that turned it from soluble into insoluble, iron precipitated out of ocean water creating iron rich sediments
What are Alberta’s rocky mountains primary made from?
What is the one gemstone only made from one element?
Diamonds, are made from only carbon. it is the strongest material on earth
Where do diamond form?
They require a lot of pressure and heat so they are very deep in the mantle
how do diamonds make it back to the crust?
Volcanic eruptions called kimberlites, they originate in the mantle and not the crust =, but the crust has now gotten to thick and cold so we don’t see kimberlites forming anymore.
How to find kimberlite mines?
a glacier will go over the kimberlite and pick up some of the particles as it moves. once the glacier melts it will leave behind “breadcrumbs” to follow back to the original site.
Fossil fuels
Oil, gas and coal. which contain organic carbon. Organic Carbon comes from marine algae, and animal soft parts. Usually stored in sedimentary rocks
How does coal from?
usually on swampy lands, dead vegetation accumulates, it remains there for over 100 years which turn it into peat. peat is subjected to increase heat and pressure which turns it into coal.
More carbon means?
more energy potential
Coal process
Peat –> Lignite (25-35% Carbon) –> bituminous (35-85%) Carbon –> anthracite (Greater than 85%)
oil and gas
usually on the ocean floor, AN accumulation of dead organisms that become buried (Must be low to no oxygen) Organic matter heats up, converts to oil and then gas. stored underground in sedimentary rocks.
Where does oil and gas want to move?
From high pressure to low pressure, they migrate towards the land surface. they will move until they are trapped by an impermeable layer
Components of fossil fuel reservoirs?
Source rock (the rock with organic matter), the reservoir (the rock with the pore space that allows the fluid to be stored), the migration path (allows the oil to move from high to low pressure from the source rock to the reservoir), Cap rock (a layer that the oil and gas cannot pass)
Do you always have oil and gas together?
No, gas is created deeper than oil so you may inly drill into oil and water, or oil, gas and water
stratigraphic traps
related to the compositional layering of the rocks, (impermeable stone, permeable stone, impermeable stone)