Unit 10 Flashcards
Lewin’s force field analysis not on paper 2
balance between forces driving change in a business and forces resisting change
equilibrium = no change
change to occur = force must exceed the straining force
forces driving change: poor efficiency, lack of innovation, customer demand, legislation
factors resisting change: poor communication, self interest (potential job loss)
Kotter + Schlesiers resistance to change not on paper 2
- self interest -> perceived threat, concerned with how that will effect employees jobs + finance
- low tolerance of change -> inertia, “why change?”. previous changes
- misunderstanding -> misinformed + inadequate info
- different assessments of the situation -> differing opinions on the reason for change
Kotter + Schlesiers overcoming resistance to change not on paper 2
- education + communication -> why is there need for change
- participation + involvement -> getting involved in process
- facilitation + support -> training, counselling
- negotiation -> incentive to change
- manipulation -> selective use of info to encourage
- power/coercion -> being told what implications will be
Handy’s model of culture
power culture: few key people at the centre (make major decisions), few rules + bureaucracy, quick decision making
role culture: functional organisational structure, power derives from position, hierarchical bureaucracy
task culture: identify with task they are working on, teams formed, matrix organisation, no single power source
person culture: given their own parts of business to make decisions on + control, people believe themselves to be superior to the business, power lies in each group of individual
corporate governance
a system by which companies are directed + controlled
responsibly of board of directors
who are companies controlled by?
board of directors
who are companies owned by?
key responsibilities of board of directors?
- setting companies objectives
- determining strategy
- providing leadership for organisation
- supervising the management
- reporting to shareholders on how they’re doing
what is the shareholders role in corporate governance?
to appoint the directors
what is the divorce between ownership + control?
happens when the owners of a business do not control day to day decisions made in the business
what are non executive directors?
business people with no financial or personal ties to the executives and are there to give an impartial view
what are activist shareholders?
put pressure on existing on management or force through changes to management boards, some insist on businesses using profits to buy back shares to increase returns to existing shareholders
internal factors of causing change? not on paper 2
- change in leadership -> organisational culture or structure
- better than expected performance -> expand
- poor financial performance -> retrenchment
- type of business eg innovative likely to come up with better methods
external factors of causing change? not on paper 2
- availability of new tech -> production faster + cheaper
- consumer tastes change -> altering product range eg electrical cars
- changes in ethical views may effect suppliers
not on paper 2 incremental change
- gradually, usually the result of a strategic plan + often attempts to minimise disruption
- mangers decide a time scale for changes
disruptive change not on paper 2
- sudden forces firms to do things different
- may have to close or sell subsidy companies, spend heavily on promotions to raise consumer confidence etc
value of change not on paper 2
- need to grow + stay comp. -> can allow to take adv of new effective ideas
- people within a business naturally resist change but adv normally outweighs disruption
- without change a company may fall behind its competitors -> insolvency
restructuring not on paper 2
changing the organisational structure
- businesses that can do this efficiently can adapt to keep up w changes in external environment
- can max the efficiency of decision making, communication + division of task
- can reduce costs, make the business more comp.
- might decentralise in fast changing environments to give more power + flexibility to departments
delayering not on paper 2
removing parts of an organisations hierarchy
- businesses w flexible structures can to delayer to reduce costs, improve communication + give more responsibility
mechanistic structure not on paper 2
- rigid, works well for stable environments
- centralised, decision making by managers
- tall structure, long time to travel
- slow to make changes