Unit 1 WW1 Flashcards
Causes of world war 1 imperialism
Building a bigger empire by collecting colonies. Countries wanted to gain natural resources (minerals, oil, coal)
Causes of World War 1 alliances
2 or more countries come together in times of trouble to make themselves stronger. (Triple alliance/the central powers 1. Germany 2. Austria-Hungary 3. Italy. Tripe entente/ the allies 1. Britain 2. France 3. Russia)
Causes of world war 1 militarism
Bully countries using a army to bully another nation. Example is Britain’s Royal Navy
Leaders and situation- Britain
Lloyd George- prime minister
Biggest empire in the world, had the most colonies and covered a quarter of the lands surface
Leaders and situation- Germany
Kaiser Wilhelm
Inefficient during the war, did little to improve the conditions
Leaders and situation- France
Raymond Poincaré
Second largest empire in the world
Leaders and situation- Austria-Hungary
Franz Joseph
Many people hated Franz’s rule
Leaders and situation- USA
Woodrow Wilson
USA was
Trench mouth
Rotting of teeth and gums
Trench foot
Rotting of feet due to having feet wet all the time
Shell shock
Dog fight
Aerial combat
Pilots significance
Lived away from trenches and front lines got paid double “romantic hero”
Submarine used to take out merchant ships or any ships trying to dock
Restricted and unrestricted warfare
Going to fire on anything that tried to enter docks
Treat of Brest-Livstok
Caused Russia to surrender the eastern front
Canada’s prime minister
Robert Bordon
Funding the war effort
Income tax
Forcing men to join the army
Treaty of Versailles
Harsh conditions for Germany to give money
Big three
Britain, France, USA
League of Nations
A organization to keep peace between countries
Causes of world war 1 nationalism
Having pride and loyalty to your country
The sense of pride people feel for their country. Can become negative when one believes they are better (one of the strongest forces that pushed countries to war)
The right to vote (the changing role of women)
When was the date for the changing role of women
Place the changing role of women is happening
Manitoba, Canada
Emily Murphy
Women’s rights activist, she became the first female magistrate in Canada
Nellie McClung
Member of the famous five, she had a mock parliament in 1914 debating whether or not men should vote.
Frenz Ferdinand
Air to the Austria-Hungary throne and was assonated by a member of the black hand which set the spark of ww1
War started and ended
July 28 1914-1918
A boat that a German u-boat shot down carrying United States passengers that led to the USA joining the war.
1918 was the World War I naval campaign fought by German U-boats against the trade routes of the Allies.
Naval blockade
This operation was the British blockade from 1914-1919 which sought to obstruct Germany’s ability to import goods, and thus in the most literal sense starve the German people and military into submission.
When did the war at sea take place?
Use of airplanes in ww1
Reconnaissance-Enemy observation
Dog fight
Aerial combat
The Zepplin
Large gas filled balloon which could carry heavy loads and fly for hours. Advantages are fly great distances, silent, and reach high altitude
Air ace
Those who experienced success in piloting were hailed as heroes and gained the title ace for more then 5 kills
The schlieffan plan
The plan was designed by the Germans in hopes of avoiding a war on 2 fronts by achieving a quick and decisive victory over France. Ratio 7:1 but changed to 4:1 and this severely weakened the German attack
Alfred Von schlieffan
Created of the schlieffan plan. German general
The battle of Somme
The allies forces suffered and lost many casualties but won and gain 545 square kilometres.
General Douglas Haig
British commander who believed the allied forces could break through the German lines at the location of the Somme river
When was the battle of Somme?
July 1916
The battle of Ypres
The Germans unleashed a deadly new weapon: chlorine gas.
The battle of ypres date
Apirl 1915
The battle of Vimy Ridge
Canada’s four divisions were assembled to fight as a single unit.
Triple alliance
Germany Austria-Hungary Italy
Triple entente
France Britain Russia
War of attrition
Military strategy that attempts to win a war by wearing down the enemy to the point of collapse
Trench warfare
Exposed to elements (rain,cold,snow) trenches were full of mice and lice
Who killed franz Ferdinand
Gavrilo princip
Three strategies the British Royal Navy used to defend against the German u-boats
Hydrophone q-boats bombs
Deadly disease in world war 1
Spanish flu
Date of the battle of Vimy ridge
Apirl 9, 1917 5:30am
Canadian commander in the battle of Vimy ridge who led the four divisions
Major-general Arthur currie
British lieutenant-general in the battle of Vimy ridge
Julian byng
The battle of passchendale
Mud and death
Battle of passchendale date
October 26 1917
General in the battle of passchendale
Arthur Currie and Douglas Haig
Canada’s hundred days
Significant because Canadians took over the town of Cambrian and advanced into the German territory
Canada’s hundred days date
August 8,1918
Paris peace conference date
People involved in the Paris peace conference
USA Woodrow Wilson Britain Lloyd George
France George Clemenceau
Victory bonds
How the country paid for the war efforts
Thrift stamps
Much like victory bonds they were purchased in much smaller sums and after the war could be cashed in (aimed at children)
Total war
Total commitment of a country’s money and resources toward war
Citizen soldiers
Contributed to the home front
Enemy aliens
Enemy aliens were interned to remove the supposed threat
Form of communication aimed at influencing the attitude of a population toward a causes
Winnipeg general strike
Metal workers went on strike for higher wages
Date of the Winnipeg general strike
May 1 1919