unit 1 vocab ap human Flashcards
absolute location
the precise spot where something is according to a system
built landscape
an area of land represented by its features and patterns of human occupation and use of natural resources
the sizes of countries on a map are shown according to some specific statistic
the study and practice of making and using maps
choropleth map
maps that use multiple colors, shades of one color, or patterns to show, the location and distribution of spatial data
a survey given out to calculate the amount of people in a population
cultural landscape
the fashioning of a natural landscape by a cultural group
ex great wall of china
the frequency with which something occurs in space, could be measured as anything
the inverse relationship between distance and connection
the farther way, the less of a connection
dot distribution map
maps used to show the distribution and specific location of something across the territory of the map using symbols
the arrangement of a feature in a space
environmental determinism
The belief that landforms and climate are the most powerful forces shaping human behavior and societal development
environmental possibilism
the theory that the physical environment may set limits on human actions, but people have the ability to adjust to the physical environment and choose a course of action from many alternatives
formal region
a area within which everyone shares distinctive characteristics
friction of distance
this indicates when things are further apart they tend to be less well connected
functonal region
a territory that is organized around something central
ex: a big city like new york, the bee movie, etc
information about physical objects that can be represented by numerical values in geographical coordinates sytem
geographic informational systems (GIS)
the analysis of data about Earth required through satellite and other electronic information technologies
global positioning system (GPS)
A system that determines the precise position of something on Earth
this means that the scale of the world is shrinking, not literally but in the ability of a person, an object, or an idea in another place
graduated symbol maps
maps that use symbols of different sizes to indicate different amounts of something
larger sizes indicate more, smaller indicate less
graduated symbol maps
maps that use symbols of different sizes to indicate different amounts of something
larger sizes indicate more, smaller indicate less
gravity model
the interaction between two places can be determined by the product of the population of both places, divided by the square of their distance from one another
isoline maps
maps that use lines that connect points of equal value to depict variations in the data across space
the distance north or south of the equator
the distance east or west of the prime meridian
map projection
the process of showing a currved surfce on a flat surface is done using ____
physical maps
these maps show and label natural features such as mountains river, and deserts
____ refers to the specific human and physical characteristics of a known location
If a place inspires no strong emotional ties in people
political maps
this map shows and labels human-created boundaries and designation, such as states, cities, and capitals
reference map
maps designed for people to refer to for general information about places
describing an area n terms of its individual characteristics, such as a shared language or cultural identity, that makes that place unique
relative location
a description of where something is in relation to other things
remote sensing
The acquisition of data about Earth’s surface from a satellite orbiting earth or from other long distance methods
scale of analysis
the relative size of the map of lens we choose to use to observe in geographica phenomena
____ can be described as the characteristics at the immediate location- for example, the soil type, climate, and etc
_____ refers to the location of a place relative to is surroundings and other places
the use of the earths renewable and nonrenewable natural resources in ways that ensure resource and availability in our future
thematic maps
these maps show spatial aspects of information or of a phenomenon,
time-space progression
_____ is the shrinking “time distance” between locations because of the advancement of transportation.
topographic map
maps that use isolines to represent constant elevations
place name
vernacular region
an area that people believe exist as part of their cultural identity