Unit 1 (topic 1-7) Flashcards
Introduced Species
Species which are introduced into an environment where they are not naturally found
The Process by which new species gradually replace old species in an ecosystem.
Difference between
Primary and Secondary Succession
Primary Succession- Organism Growth in Bare Area
Secondary Succession- Organism Growth in Populated area (home of other species)
How do new forests Grow?
Fire- Seeds brake open- grow trees
Biological Control
Use of natural enemies- Cat for mice
Harmful materials released into the environment from humans.
Acid rain
Rain that contains higher than normal levels of acid; cause of the waste put into the atmosphere.
Movement of pollutants up through the food chain.
The study of relationship between living organisms and their environment
Some one that studies ecology
A location that an organism lives
Well suited
is an inherited characteristic that helps and organism survive and reproduce in its environment
Fishes gills
Is the interaction between living and non living things in an environment
a relationship that lasts over time
Is a relationship in which two different in which each partner benefits
Is a symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits and one is harmed
The organism that lives on or in another organism and feed on it.
The Organism that a parasite lives and feeds on
is a symbiotic relationship that one partner benefits and the other partner neither gains or looses from the relationship
Orchid on a tree trunk
Natural Resources
The material and products that are found in nature
The resources of nature are being renewed as quickly as they are being removed and all waste is being completely absorbed
Creat less garbage
Reuse products rather then throwing them away
Create new products from old products
Living Organisms in an ecosystem
No living organisms in an ecosystem
the role or characteristic activity that is undertaken by an organism in an ecosystem.
Plants able to grow from energy from the sun and nutrients in the soil
Consume the food made by producers
Animals that eat producers (plants)
Are animals that eat other animals that eat producers
Consumers that kill other animals called pray
The animals that get eaten by Preditors
Animals that eat both producers and consumers
Food Chain
A model that shows how energy stored in food passes from organism to organism
Food Web
show how food energy moves through an ecosystem but not how many organisms are involved
Pyramid of numbers
is a model of an ecosystems that represents the number of organisms consumed at each level
Is the total mass of all the organisms in an eco system
Are organisms that feed on dead or decaying animal or plant mater
grow on or in dead material absorbing nutrients into themselves
Carbon Cycle
Carbon that circulates around an ecosystem
Are substances that cause pollution
Primary Succession
The Growth of organisms in an area that was previously bear such as rock
Secondary Succession
Growth of an organisms in an area that was previously populated by other organisms
Ecosystem Monitoring
The Way to check the condition of an ecosystem by comparing the results of investigations done at different times
Indicator Species
help monitor the overall health of the environment
what is a carbon cycle?
its when carbon circulates around an ecosystem.
Pesticides are commonly used to control agricultural pests. In your own words, explain how this affects carnivores
if an animal eats the pesticides then dies another animal eats that animal then it dies too.
what can Rachel Carson be proud of?
She can be proud of saving animals from pesticides.
The carbon cycle is balanced in stable ecosystems. What events might occur to upset this balance?
the burning of to many fossil fuels.
Why does the amount of water on Earth stay, more or less, the same?
because it consistently moves through the environment changing forms as it moves.
Explain two ways in which cutting down forests and then burning the debris left behind can increase the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
because there are now less trees to absorb the carbon. And by burning the debris you are putting more carbon in the atmosphere.
Occurs when a substance is added to the environment in such a fast rate that it cant be broken down, stored, or recycled in the air land or water in a non damaging form
Acid Rain
Contains higher then normal levels of acid caused by waste put into the atmosphere
is movements of pollutants up through the levels through the food chain