Unit 1: The Christian Family Flashcards
Unit 1 Keywords: Adultery
Unfaithfulness during marriage.
Abstaining from marriage and sexual relations.
Sexual purity.
Civil partnership
A civil partnership is an alternative to marriage for same-sex couples.
When two people in a sexual relationship live together but aren’t married.
Methods used to prevent pregnancy.
Remaining loyal and committed in a romantic relationship.
Two people of the same-sex in a romantic relationship.
Nuclear family
Biological mother and father with children.
Premarital sex/fornication
Sex before marriage.
Having children.
Having sex with multiple partners regularly.
Marrying again after divorce or death.
Rhythm method
A method of avoiding pregnancy favoured by the Roman Catholic Church, by which sexual intercourse is restricted to the times of a woman’s menstrual cycle when ovulation is least likely to occur.
The external and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace.
Promises made in marriage in front of God.
The Catholic dissolvement of marriage.
When a person has multiple spouses.
The offence of marrying someone while already married to another person.
What does the Bible say a model family is?
It consists of a biological mother, father and children, which is a nuclear family.
What are parents and children required to do in a family?
Parents are required to respect their children, and children must honour their parents.
How do Christian families bring children up within Christianity?
- The family provides a place where children can be brought up with Christian values
- Understanding of the faith until the child may commit to the faith themselves
- This is demonstrated through Christian practice of infant baptism and confirmation in denominations such as the COE and Catholic Church
What does Christianity teach about family?
The family is the key building block of society where relationships are formed and children brought up.
What does Christianity teach about marriage?
- Basis of stable families
- Given by God to unite two people and is the relationship in which sex should occur
- Sex is an expression of love and for means of reproduction
- Ideally marriage should be a lifelong commitment
- Divorce isn’t desirable but some Christians recognise it may be necessary in certain circumstances
What is fidelity?
Fidelity means that a married couple are faithful and committed to one another. Fidelity helps to keep a family stable.
Why shouldn’t Christian couples have affairs?
This would damage their marriage and break the seventh commandment, which instructs married couples not to commit adultery.