unit 1 test Flashcards
Where did the puritans come from?
Why did the Puritans leave England?
religious freedom
Was the puritan colony meant to be permanent or temporary?
Where did the puritans settle?
Cape Ann region
What are some characteristics of the puritans?
Deeply religious, control freaks, tough minded, intolerant of others, believe that everything that happens is the will of god.
What religion where the puritans?
What were the five keys to the puritan mentality?
Depravity, Covenant, Grace, Election, Love
What is Depravity?
Idea that you are born a sinner
What is the covenant?
Your agreement with god to do as he wants you to
What is Grace?
God’s special gift (Grace) is for only a certain few, if you had it you were known as a “visible Saint”
What is Election?
The thing that If you had Grace, you get to go to heaven, and you get to be one of the leaders in society, and be a member of government
What is love to the puritans?
Correcting people when they sin, usually involving physical punishment
How was the puritan colony set up?
- Towns founded by groups of families
- Every house had to be 1/2 mile or less from church
- all land was owned by church
How did the church influence how the colony was set up?
church was the number 1 priority, came before work
no work was permitted on sundays
What were the Puritans required to do on sundays?
go to church all day
What kind of crimes were most common in the puritan society?
moral crimes i.e. lying, swearing, drinking, gambling
What were the puritan criminal codes based on?
based on bible
How were people punished in puritan society?
humiliation/physical punishment
Why were the puritans so obsessed with keeping order?
They believed that if people were sinning and there was disorder that good would punish them as a group with natural disasters, famine, disease, fires, native american attacks
What are some of the problems that Puritans in Mass Bay faced?
- Towns were very spread out, not close knit and difficult to communicate
- worship interfered with time needed for work to provide basic needs
- Growing Dissent,new denominations with similar beliefs with less strict rules on worship
Who was Roger Williams
- a major dissenter
- respected minister in salem
What were Roger Williams two main beliefs
- believed in a complete split with the church of England
- believed native americans should be compensated for the land that was taken from them by settlers
What happened to Roger Williams
banished from MA bay and founds providence/RI
Who was Anne Hutchinson
a major dissenter, spoke out about Grace
What was Anne’s major belief about Grace
Believed it was an individual achievement, not to be decided by the group
Why was she banished from the colony?
Because she spoke out and was a woman, “doctrine of Inner Light”
What happens to her?
Banished from MA Bay, went to RI, was later murdered by native americans
What was Thomas Hooker’s major belief?
Believed that all freemen should be able to vote
What did Thomas Hooker end up doing?
Led a group of 100 southwest of MA Bay and founded the settlement of Hartford, which later became the colony of CT
What group was the biggest threat to the puritans?
The Quakers “Religious Society of Friends”
What are the major beliefs of the Quakers
- do not use violence or fight, complete pacifism
- believe in doctrine of inner light
- All are equal in church
How did the Quakers try to convert many Puritans?
often interrupted puritan sermons
How did the Puritans react to the Quakers trying to convert them?
- Laws were made that made it illegal for puritans to talk to quakers
- many quakers banished or killed
Who put a stop to the harsh laws of the puritan society regarding Quakers?
In 1660 king Charles II orders MA Bay to stop killing Quakers
How long did the settlers have to wait following the failure of roanoke?
20 year wait for colonization to start again in the real world
How many charters did kind James grant to the Virginia Company?
2 charters
Where were the colonists allowed to settle?
between 34 and 45 degrees N latitude, from maine->North Carolina
Who made up the Virginia Company?
merchants, middle class
What were their main goals?
spread christianity to natives, trade with them
What other duties duties would they have?
To be traders and soldiers to defend
How many went on the first voyage?
144 men, 3 ships
When and where did they arrive
Jamestown, May 1607
What were two major characteristics of the Jamestown settlers
male, young
What type of people were interested in virginian land?
the poor, the younger sons of gentry with no inheritance
What was the long term plan for many settlers of Virginia?
economic, seek fortune and status, return to England with wealth
How did indentured servitude work?
Sold themselves for a number of years to pay off debt, often the debt of passage to the new world, possibility of land at the end of service
What were some of the problems associated with indentured servitude?
some did not receive land, or escaped from boat once new world was reached.
what type of people were not usually found in the Virginia colony
aristocrats, wealthy people
What role did religion play in the Jamestown colony?
played a small role with little attention
What was the major issue facing the leaders of the colony?
They could not prevent a high death toll
Who solved the death toll problem in Jamestown?
John Smith introduced a system of martial law, moved colony inland, and learned survival techniques from NAs
How many new colonists came to virginia in 1609?
Why did most of the population of Virginia die in the winter of 1609-1610
Lack of planning no food stored, starvation, cannabalism
What did the survivors of the Virginia harsh winter want to do?
return back to england
Who prevented them from returning to England? (the virginian winter survivors)
Arrival of governor Lord De La Warre
What changes did governor Lord De La Warre introduce?
all to work for colony
What was the response of the colonists to Lord De La Warre’s changes?
high ranked people upset because they had to work
How did England react to the house of Burgesses
Did not like it, and decided to take away the charter in 1624, and then becomes a royal colony
Who brought tobacco to virginia
John Wolfe planted Trinidadian tobacco
How did the tobacco initially affect the economy of Virginia?
the economy shot up, was very good
Why did the tobacco eventually lead to economic instability
The fields were no longer good for growing anything
Why were the indians a problem for virginia settlers
The Indians greatly outnumbered the settlers, they were more powerful
Who did John Rolfe marry?
How did Powhatan see the english (of virginia)
Potential allies against other tribes, potential allies for trade
How did his brother view the English?
attacked them, openly hostile to settlers
What does Powhatan’s brother plan to do?
plans attack on good friday and kills about 1/4 of settlers
What was the result of Powhatans brother’s attack
the indians are viewed as savages, negative thoughts about them
What was the state of Virginia in 1624
- in turmoil
- politically unstable (VA loss of charter 1624)
- endured disease, war, death
- Only 1000 whites in VA after 17 years of colonization, settlement could easily fall
Why had NA’s allied themselves with English settlers in the 1630s?
allied against Pequots
Why did these tribes begin to distrust the english (while they were allied with them in the 1630s)
Began to distrust them because they murdered 600 pequots which was frightening to NA’s
How could the relations between the Wampanoags and plymouth settlers be characterized
long standing peace, had peace agreements, profitable trade for both
What happens in 1622 that changes things between the plymouth settlers and native americans?
Massasiot Dies, his son Wamsatta is more suspicious of English
Why did the English begin to distrust Wamsatta
There were rumors of him attacking the English
What happens to Wamsatta
He is taken into custody by the english, dies 3 days after release, NA’s think he was murdered
Who becomes the next sachem of the wampanoags next, how does he relate with the English
Metacom becomes Sachem, Keeps peace with English until 1670s
How does the fur trade affect the natives
the fur trade begins to diminish, they have to start trading land instead
Why did many tribes begin to take sides?
frustration of taking of land/cultural differences
What are the two sides?
1- Wamponoags, Narragansetts, Nipmucks, Pocantucks
2-Pequots, Mohegans, Nausets, side w/ English
What was Metacom’s goal with starting war with the English?
He wants to get rid of the English settlers of NE
Why do the English start referring to metacom as King Phillip
King Phillip made the spanish armada in sights of defeating english but failed miserably.
What results from the war?
14 months of war 12 frontier towns destroyed Metacom killed in 1676 Native American of his side were sold into slavery 3,000 NA's killed/600 English Irreparable damages to MA relations
Who was the governor of Virginia in 1676
William Berkeley
What were the major issues of the virginia colony around 1676 (time of william berkely in charge)
- high taxes to citizens
- falling tobacco prices
- NA’s attacking farmers on frontier
- Berkeley accused of having an inner circle of elites he favored
What was the main grievance against Berkeley?
He did nothing about the native american attacks targeting the farmers
Who was nathaniel Bacon?
- English born and educated
- Came to VA in 1670s
- Farmer
How does Nathaniel Bacon try to solve the problem of the attacks by himself?
Starts unauthorized retaliation
What does this retaliation started by Bacon cause?
- he gains popularity among farmers
- Is elected to house of Burgesses
How does Berkeley react to this?
He is angry about Bacon’s election and refuses to let him have his seat, and bacon was arrested for his attacks on the native americans
What happens after Bacon was arrested?
Bacon forms a group of rebels and seeks to take control of the colony, Berkeley flees
What happens at Jamestown
Jamestown is set on fire during Bacon’s rebellion
What happens to Bacon after rebellion?
he dies after gaining control of colony, rebellion collapses and Berkeley is back in power
How can this be view as a precursor to the american revolution?
Seeds of rebellion planted… think of your own unique answer bc Im way to tired to write what I wrote your smart and can think of something good lol
What were the chances you would live up to 20 in 17th century Virginia?
VA/MD- 50% 40% in NE
What accounts for the 50/50ish chances of living to 20?
What was the most populated colony in 1700
VA, 59, 000 people
Population of MA in 1700?
30, 000
When did slavery in the colonies begin?
chattel slavery starts in 1619
What is the difference between chattel slavery and indentured servitude
CS- unwillingly a slave, owned, against will
IS- signed self over to pay debt
Why did indentured servitude greatly disappear in 1680s
England wages rise in 1680 for lower class, so they don’t need to sign up for indentured servitude
What affect did the disappearance of Indentured servitude affect chattel slavery
1680-1750 major spike in chattel slavery
When did slave codes first appear?
first appeared in 1662, bound slaves for life to owners
When did slave rebellions start to occur
Social hierarchy of the south
3-landless whites
who were the planters in society
owned slaves, owned land, ruled economy, held most political power
Farmers in society
largest group, generally worked own land, may have one or two slaves, to much affect on econemy
Landless whites in society
most were at one time indentured servants, no effect on economy
slaves in society
no power nothing notta none
What problem was plaguing the puritan church in 1700s
loosing membership in new england
Why was this a problem for the puritan church
less money from members
New solution for less membership in puritan church called? what did it do?
Created partial membership of church if you were child or grandchild of a full member, did this to keep money flowing
How did the salem witch trials start?
1692, group of girls claimed to be bewitched by Tituba
What resulted of the girls claiming to be bewitched
mass hysteria ensued, 20 people put to death
theories of why the salem witch trials occurred
feuding families, may have ingested a plant with hallucinogenic affects
when did the trials end
what did MA legislature do later
apologized and pretty much said it should never have happened, made reparations to families of victims