Unit 1 test Flashcards
What is morality?
knowledge based on human experience, reason, and God’s revelation that discovers what we ought to be and what we ought to do to live fully human lives
How do we know what’s moral?
reason (God-given intellects)
experience (collective wisdom of others, living and dead)
revelation (God’s teachings in the Scriptures and the Church’s teaching (magisterium)
What is moral law?
standards of being and doing given by God (law of love since God is love)
Is morality objective or subjective?
both! morality is about what we do when we’re IN LOVE (not about rules, but relationship)
What is moral theology?
the study of both the principles and actions revealed to us by Jesus Christ and taught by the Catholic church that will lead us to a life of holiness and to eternal salvation (love!)
What does torah mean?
“direction”, “instruction”, “guidance”
What is character?
who we really are and who we are becoming through our choices and actions
Moral character
correctly judges between right & wrong & acts on what is virtuous
Immoral character
does not act in conformity with accepted principles of right or wrong
Amoral character
not concerned with any moral standards at all; such a person does not accept any concept of right or wrong
What are virtues?
healthy, good habits that help us do good and empower us to become what God wants us to be…our true selves
Who are theological virtues given to us by?
When are theological virtues given?
during Baptism
Why are theological virtues given?
given to be in relationship with God
Name the four cardinal virtues and define them
prudence (practical wisdom; responsible decision-making)
justice (giving God and others what is their right to have)
temperance (moderation and self-control)
fortitude (strength, courage to stand firm in what is right)