Unit 1 SAC 3 Flashcards
a condition characterised by a reduced ability of the body to deliver enough oxygen to the cells due to a lack of healthy red blood cells
a type of fat required for optimal functioning of the body that in excess can lead to a range of health concerns including the blocking of arteries (atherosclerosis). Can be ‘bad’ low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or ‘good’ high-density lipoprotein (HDL).
discretionary foods
includes foods and drinks not necessary to provide the nutrients the body needs, but that may add variety. However, many of these are high in saturated fats, sugars, salt and/or alcohol, and are therefore described as energy dense.
brous protein found in connective tissue that is
the main component of cartilage, ligaments, tendons, bone and skin
having a nutrient arti cially added to increase nutritional value
hard tissue
tissues in the body that form hard substances such as bones, teeth and cartilage
soft tissue
organs and tissues in the body that connect, support or surround other structures. They include skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments, collagen and organs.
a type of vegetarianism that excludes foods of animal origin including eggs and dairy
BMR basal metabolic rate
the amount of energy required to sustain basic functioning of the body