Unit 1: Power Flashcards
define power
there is no agreed definition to power. however, there are economic, military, political and other forms of power, and it can be used to achieve a state or groups interests.
main types of power
hard power and soft power
hard power expl.
using coercion and violence to influence methods
soft power expl.
a state or group tried to achieve its aims through persuasion or influence. using for example foreign policy, political values
basic examples of hard power
military, economic power repercussions (sanctions)
real life examples of hard power
- military action taken against Islamic State in Syria and Iraq by US and others in 2014. soft power options were not possible with Islamic State, which was not prepared to negotiate.
- military force against Saddam Hussein in 2003 my US coalition.
basic examples of soft power
relational power, structural power (means b which states affect global politics, usually by prompting a model of politics in their favour like democracy or capitalism), cyber power, social and cultural power (cultural institutions like BBC influence people around the world)
real life examples of soft power
- Development aid plays a huge part in powerful states trying to achieve their outcomes through persuasion. the US state aid agency gives most aid to countries where development matters for US security interests. in 2015, Afghanistan, Pakistan received most of US aid
- China has pledged $1.4 trillion in infrastructure investment in Africa. in return, China has favourable access to natural resources from African states.
challenges of soft power
- consistency and patience is needed
- soft power can take years to accumulate and may be lost in an instant
- trust and credibility are essential
- cultures and values are embedded in society, and are outside a gov. control
-> different cultures will respond to different ways of soft power
military power and soft power
- military power is often used for humanitarian purposes
example: in 2014 the US, France and the UK sent troops to Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone to help tackle the Ebola crisis
case study economic power used as hard power
tough sanctions were placed on the Iranian economy by the US and EU in order to force Iran to negotiate a deal to reduce its nuclear weapons programme. in 2012, Iranian economy collapsed.
realist perspective on power
competition and going against threats is only possible through military power, economic sanctions and incentives
liberal perspective on power
states are more powerful when they work together and cooperate, so soft power and rules based on international power are the most effective and safest way of using power in gp, as they also respect human rights.
power is distributed amongst a wide range of groups and processes, like IGOs.
power transition
power is a fluid concept, with some nations gaining it, some losing it and others having their power diffused by the rise of militant non-state groups