Unit 1 (Orbit and tides) Flashcards
Describe earth’s rotation
Earth’s rotation is when it spins on it axis (24 hours)
Describe Earth’s Revolution
Earth’s revolution is when it takes about 1 year (the motion around one object around another object)
Describe Earth’s orbit
Earth moves around the Sun almost in a circular motion (ellipse, elongated circle
Why does Earth revolve around the Sun?
Because the sun’s gravitational pull
Describe Earth’s rotation axis
Earth’s axis is slightly tilted, imaginary line in the middle of the earth
Earth has seasons because…
The earth’s axis is slightly tilted and as it rotates around the sun, different parts of the earth get more or less sun, causing the seasons
When the North end of Earth’s axis is tilted toward the Sun, what are the days and nights like?
The days are longer and the nights are shorter
What do waxing phases mean and which moon phases are considered waxing?
Waxing phases is when the moon is seeming to be getting bigger, the waxing crescent, first quarter and waxing gibbous are the waxing phases
What do waning phases mean and which moon phases are considered waning?
Waning means to be getting smaller, Waning crescent, Waning gibbous and third quarter are waning phases
The phase of the moon you see depends on…
Where the sunlight from the sun, The different phases are caused when the moon rotates around the earth and the moon reflects sunlight from different parts
What must happen for a solar eclipse to occur…
It must be a new moon and the Moon has to be perfectly in line with the sun and earth, and the moon seems to be covering the sun
Explain the difference between a penumbra and umbra.
The umbra is the central, darker part of the shadow where light it totally blocked. The penumbra is the lighter part of the shadow where light it kinda blocked
If you experience a total solar eclipse.. Would you be in the umbra or penumbra? Why?
The Penumbra, because we didn’t see totally
If you experience a partial solar eclipse.. Would you be in the umbra or penumbra? Why?
Penumbra, because we are the lighter part of the moon’s shadow so it wasn’t totally dark where we were
The ________________ is the imaginary line that splits the Earth into hemispheres.