Unit 1 - Micronutrients and Non Nutrients Flashcards
Micronutrient definition
Vitamins and minerals needed in micro amounts for regular growth and development
Micronutrients groups and what are in those groups.
Minerals : Iron, Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Iodine
Fat soluble: Vitamin D
Water soluble: Folate
Vitamin D functions
Absorption and metabolism of calcium for strong bones and teeth.
Plays a role in immune function.
Vitamin D food sources
Egg yolk, oily fish like salmon and sardines, liver
Vitamin D excess
Kidney stones
Elevated blood calcium
Vitamin D deficiency
Rickets in children
- They’re both the same low calcium leads to soft bones and bowing legs in children and bone pain in adults.
Folate definition
Forming enzymes and red blood cells
Metabolising DNA
Activates vitamin B12
Folate food sources
Banana, chicken liver, spinach
Folate fortified bread
Folate deficiency
Neural tube defects - if a mother is deficient in folate when the baby is born the baby can have defects of the brain, spine, and spinal cord. This happens in the first month of pregnancy.
Folate excess
Restlessness, sleep disorders, nausea.
Iron functions
Formation of red blood cells and a component of many enzymes
Haem Iron and food sources
Easily absorbed by the body
Found in animal sources but not plant
Liver, red meat and poultry
Non Haem Iron and food sources
Not easily absorbed by the body
can be found in both plant and animal sources
Vitamin C with a meal will increase non haem iron absorption
Dark leafy greens, dried fruit, iron fortified breakfast cereals ( nutri grain )
Iron deficiency
Anaemia is when blood cells lack red blood cells due to severe depletion of iron.
Calcium functions
Forming teeth and bones
assisting muscle contraction
functioning of nerves
Preventing rickets and osteoporosis.