Unit 1 List 1 Graphing Flashcards
Observation is a act or instance of noticing or perceiving that is acquisition of information .
data means is gathered of body facts .
Variable means anything that can change or be changed with a experiment
Precision means how close measurements of the same item with each other .
Accuracy is the opposite of precision that means how close a measurement is to the true or accepted value .
Predict means the possible outcome of the scientific test that is based on logically reasoning .
Infer means the process of drawing conclusions based on evidence and reasoning .
Independent Variable
Independent Variable means the variable that is manipulate , control , or vary that is an experimental .
Dependent Variable
Dependent Variable means the changes as a result of the independent variable manipulation .
Line Graph
Line graph is a graph that just uses lines to connect indiviual data points .
Bar Graph
A Bar Graph is a graph that is a representation of the data , quantities , or just numbers .
Pie Graph
Pie Graph is a respresentation of a technique that has a display data in the circular shaped graph .
Scatter Plot
Scatter Plots uses some dots to represent values for two different numeric variables