Unit 1, Lesson 1 Vocab Flashcards
TCI- The ability to cause others to behave as they might not otherwise choose to do
M.E.- An action, Your ability to get something done, taking action, get others to do what you want
M.E- Power from your ability to persuade others to identify with them, a cult of personality
M.E.- Power from ability to give something of value. EX: money, praise, responsibility
TCI- The legal right or ability to give orders and enforce rules
M.E.- ability/power to give orders & enforce rules in an official or legal way, legal right to use power
TCI- The quality of being accepted as an authority, often applied to laws or those in power
M.E.- Your power & authority is accepted by the people/laws or those in power
M.E- The use of force or threats to make people do things against their will
M.E.- Power comes from your skills
TCI- An ancient Chinese doctrine that the ruler was “the son of Heaven” and thus enjoyed supreme authority
Mandate of Heaven
M.E.- Ruler has authority to rule for all those under heaven, as long as you rule in a moral manner.
Mandate of Heaven
TCI- The idea that kings derive their authority from God, not from their subjects, and thus have absolute power to govern
Divine right of kings
M.E.- Monarchs get their authority from God, not their subjects, to rule.
Divine right of kings
TCI- Government income raised through taxes and other means, to be used for public expenses