Unit 1 introduction to realstate Flashcards
The business of bringing buyers and sellers or landlords and tenants together in a real estate transaction.
The process of estimating a property’s market value based on established methods and the appraiser’s professional judgment
Professionals in mortgage financing may be loan
originators, processors, underwriters, and their support
is the partition of a single parcel of land into multiple parcels. Improvements may be onsite such as new home construction on individual lots or offsite such as streets, sidewalks, and water lines
is the construction of improvements on
unimproved land.
Third party relocation companies service corporations and their employees move from one city to another as the result of a job transfer.
REO companies
oversee the sale of foreclosed properties on
behalf of mortgage lenders
5 Categories of real state
1-Residential(single family or multi) 2-Commercial(business property) 3-Industrial(Factories) 4-Agricultural 5-Special Purpose(Churches)
Apartment Complex
Groups of apartmanents include many type amenities
Chosen by homeowners who want to own a
property without the typical responsibilities of
Apartment style units that share common walls and
facilities within larger building
Unit owners purchase shares of stock in the
corporation not their individual units.
Planned Unit Development (PUD):Also called master planned communities
Merges diverse type of uses such as housing,
recreation and commercial units.
PUDS are planned under special zoning ordinances
Community Association maintains common areas
with fees paid by community homeowner’s
Retirement Communities:
Usually structured as a PUD
Offer older homeowners
Highrise Developments:
Called Mixed Use Developments (MUDs)
Combine office space, apartment units, stores, and otherservices in the building
housing prices will fall
When the supply of housing increases holding demand
for housing constant
When the demand for housing increases, holding the
supply of housing constant
housing prices rise
Factors Affecting the Supply of Real Estate
Labor and Construction Costs
Government Controls and Financial Policies
Factors Affecting the Demand of Real Estate:
Population and migration
Population demographics
Employment and wage levels