Unit 1 I Flashcards
Portion of the skeleton that forms the central axis of the body; skull, vertebral column, and bony thorax
Axial skeleton
Bones of the limbs and limb girdles that are attached to the axial skeleton
Appendicular skeleton
Vertical plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior parts
Frontal plane
Horizontal plane that runs from left to right, dividing the body into superior and inferior parts
Transverse plane (cross-section)
A vertical plane that divides the body or a body part into right and left portions
Sagittal plane
Specific sagittal plane that lies exactly in the midline
median plane (all others are parasagittal)
Cuts made along any plane that lies diagonally between the horizontal and vertical are called
oblique sections
Toward the head end or upper part of a structure or the body; above
Away from the head end or toward the lower part of a structure or the body; below
Toward or at the middle of the body; on the inner side of
away from the midline of the body; on the outer side of
closer to the origin of the body part or the point of attachment of a limb to the body trunk
farther from the origin of a body part or the point of attachment of a limb to the body trunk
on the same side
on opposite side
toward or at the front of the body; in front of
toward the back of the body; behind
toward or at the body surface
away from the body surface; more internal
a joint in which bones are united only by a ligament
two types of cartilaginous joints are
synchondroses and symphyses
a joint where hyaline cartilage unites the bones
a joint where fibrocartilage unites the bones
freely movable joint with a cavity and a capsule
synovial joint
spongy cartilage in synovial joints
articular cartilage
the capsule of a synovial joint; consists of an outer layer of fibrous connective tissue and an inner synovial membrane
articular capsule
fluid secreted by the synovial membranes of the freely movable joints of the body; lubricates the joints surfaces and nourishes that articular cartilages.
synovial fluid
a disc of fibrocartilage in some synovial joints; occurs in joints whose articulating bone ends have somewhat different shapes
articular disc; meniscus
a fibrous sac lined with synovial membrane and containing synovial fluid; occurs between bones and tendons where it acts to decrease friction during movement