Unit 1: Historical Antecedents of Science and Technology Flashcards
What is science?
- a body of knowledge
- an intellectual activity
- a personal and social activity
What is technology?
- artifacts
- a technique
- a personal and social activity
The earliest known technology
Stone Tools
Where did the Agricultural Revolution begin?
Middle East
This led to the development of towns
Agricultural Revolution
What were developed (4) during the Agricultural Revolution?
- Use of copper, bronze, and iron
- Ceramics
- Wheels
- Writing
A period dominated by the Greek and Roman civilizations, during which the current concept of science began
Classical Antiquity
This school introduced the earliest form of scientific method which is based on reasoning and observation
Ionian School of Philosophy
He is known for his method of inquiry called elenchus
(470 - 399 BC)
A method of inquiry wherein a problem must be broken down into a series of questions that need to be answered
He was a student of Socrates, believing that all substances are made up of the 4 basic elements
(427 - 347 BC)
He always emphasized the concept of proof and a concrete, clear hypothesis
(427 - 347 BC)
He was a student of Plato, known for his deductive method of scientific inquiry
(384 - 322 BC)
The center of scientific knowledge
Alexandria, Egypt
A medical text about ancient surgical methods and is one of the first important scientific texts from Africa
Edwin Smith Papyrus
The greatest construction achievement of China during the Classical Antiquity
Great Wall
(220 - 206 BC)
Around 530 AD (Middle Ages), science and technology declined due to […]
- wars, famine, disease, piracy, poverty
- rise of Christianity
During the Middle Ages, the center of science and technology moved from Europe to […]
During the Middle Ages, […] is well-advanced in mathematics, medicine, and astronomy. They discovered the importance of zero in mathematics
During the Middle Ages, […] developed astronomical tables, new chemicals, new medicinal instruments, and humane treatments
Islamic Civilization
During the Middle Ages, science was revived in Europe by […]
Emperor Charlemagne
At the latter part of the Middle Ages, the […] started
Age of Discovery and Exploration
The 2 most important advancements in science and technology during the Age of Discovery and Exploration
- ships that can withstand long voyages
- compass
During the Modern Age, many artists also became scientists such as […]
Leonardo Da Vinci
A cultural movement based on humanism
In the latter part of the Renaissance, the […] emerged
Scientific Revolution
2 notable members of England’s Royal Society
- Sir Isaac Newton
- Benjamin Franklin
An astronomer who became the center of controversy due to a heliocentric view of the universe
Nicolaus Copernicus
A shift from the geocentric view of the universe to a heliocentric view
Copernican Revolution
The leading figure of the Scientific Revolution
Galileo Galilei
He introduced experimentation using the scientific method, and his works led to the development of modern science
Galileo Galilei
A period emphasizing logic and reasoning; A shift from the Renaissance
Age of Enlightenment
The leading figure of the Age of Enlightenment
Sir Isaac Newton
Newton’s work establishing the foundations of modern-day physics
He invented the steam engine in 1765, paving the way for the Industrial Revolution
James Watt
A theory made during the Industrial Revolution considered a milestone in the field of biology
Theory of Evolution
- Charles Darwin
- Alfred Wallace
When was plastics invented?
1940s and 1950s
When was the structure of DNA discovered?
The invention of this pesticide led to a new agricultural revolution
Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT)
This movement emerged as society’s response to the negative effects of DDT on the environment
The development of computers and other digital technologies paved the way for the […] or the […]
- Digital Revolution
- Information Age
By […], Filipinos have developed good shipbuilding technology for use in fishing, trade, and transportation
1000 AD
By […], Spaniards observed that some Filipino communities know artillery
16th century
3 of the Filipino scientists who studied in Europe
- Anacleto del Rosaria
- Leon Ma. Guerrero
- Trinidad Pardo de Tavera
As the Spanish regime ended, only these two science professions were relatively more developed
- medicine
- pharmacy
2 of the universities established under the American colonization
- University of the Philippines
- Philippine Normal College
A group of Americans who taught in universities in the Philippines
When was the Bureau of Science established?
The main research facility in the Philippines until World War II
Bureau of Science
In 1906, the […] was established to report scientific findings and observations
Philippine Journal of Science
This was established by the Philippine Legislature in 1933 to promote scientific research in the Philippines
National Research Council of the Philippines
In 1947, the Bureau of Science was replaced by the […]
Institute of Science
In 1952, the […] was established to promote science among Filipinos
Science Foundation of the Philippines
4 key reasons for the sudden decline of science and technology in the Philippines in 1957
- lack of government support
- many excellent scientists have died or went abroad
- low morale among local scientists
- low awareness of the general public about science