Unit 1- Globalization And You Flashcards
A native or naturalized person who owes allegiance to a nation or government
Distinct characteristics and personality shaped by many factors
Global village
How electronic mass media collapse space and time barriers and enable people from all over the world to interact
Any form in which communication occurs
The process by which people around the world are becoming increasingly interconnected through trade, the media ,and migration
The way groups of people live
Multiple perspectives
The idea that many different viewpoints exist on every issue
General beliefs about what is right, moral, and desirable
The quality of being different
The condition that individual and group differences are present in a society and are celebrated as enriching the social fabric
The study of the origin and nature of people; doctrine, philosophy, or body of beliefs or principles belonging to an individual or group
A person who speaks French as his or her first language
The descendants of Aboriginal women and European men after the arrival of the French and English in Canada
A mental view or outlook of a particular group as shaped by its values system, background, and experiences
The process by which an ethnic group loses its distinct language and culture and becomes absorbed into the dominant group
Acceptance or sympathy for beliefs or practices different from one’s own
A system of beliefs that involves the existence or nonexistence of at least one of a human soul, spirt, a deity, a higher being, or self after the death of one’s body
A long established practice or habit of a community; an unwritten and unstated rule of behavior
Aboriginal people(s)
The original inhabitants of a country or territory
One culture modifying itself to fit in with the dominant culture
Change in cultures resulting from exposure to each other
A personal declaration that one’s own culture or identity has value and validity
The arts
(Asl fine arts) the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic
A policy of racial segregation maintained in South Africa from 1948 to 1991
Business process outsourcing
Managing the business services of a company by relocating them to another country
Cultural revitalization
A rebirth or newfound interest and growth in a culture
Controlling or prevailing over all others
First Nations
The first peoples to live in Canada, formerly known as Canadian “Indian” individuals and communities
The process by which all cultures gradually lose their distinctive features and one blended culture results; the resulting culture sometimes called a “monoculture”
The proceeds of cultures changing to produce a new cults due to influences of other cultures
The speech habits peculiar to a particular person
Domination by one or more countries over others to gain power and wealth
Inhabiting a land prior to the arrival of people from another nation
The joining of various ethnic groups within a society into a common society with generally accepted values
The Aboriginal inhabitants of Canada’s Far North, with distinctive culture and language
The result of a less-dominant group taking on some of the habits and customs of the dominant society thereby becoming incompletely assimilated but no longer belonging to any cultural group
Mother tongue
The first language a person learned at home in childhood and still understands
Oral traditions
The history and traditions of a society from people’s memories passed to succeeding generations through the spoken word
A concern for the things of the spirit or the world beyond that which can be seen and heard
An inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior