unit 1 dosages Flashcards
Optimizing Cephalexin Dosing
* Usual dosage range:
* dependent on?
* Half-life:
* Excretion:
* Cellulitis dose
* Cystitis dose
* Suggests minimum of hours of subtherapeutic blood concentrations with Q12hr dosing
- Usual dosage range: 250 to 1,000mg every 6 hours or 500mg every 12 hours
- Time Dependent Drug: works best the longer concentrations stay above MIC
- Half-life: approximately 1-hour for adults
- Excretion: Urine 80-100% as unchanged drug in 6-8 hours
- Cellulitis: 500mg 4 times daily
- Cystitis: 500mg twice daily
- Suggests minimum 4-6 hours of subtherapeutic blood concentrations with Q12hr dosing
Amoxicillin Pharmacokinetics
adult dosing immeadiate and extended release
all dosing based on which formula?
what timeframe for dosing is usually used?
8hrs usually used
amoxicillin dosage for periodontitis
augmentin and amoxicillin dosage
reducing augmentin shits
Goal 14:1 ratio of amoxicillin to clavulanate to lessen this side effect
ideal: 600: Amoxicillin 600 mg /clavulanate 42.9mg per 5mL *
amoxicillin dosing
augmentin dosing
kelfex Rx
RX: Cephalexin 500mg po QID x 5 days
Cefuroxime rx
Cefuroxime 500mg po BID x 5 days
less doing with longer t1/2
●Combined with? used when?
●Management of?
●Combined w/ -Lactams - 1st Line for serious orofacial
“poor man’s Augmentin”
●Management of refractory or progressive periodontitis.
●Rx: Metronidazole 500mg po Q8h x 5days, #15
clindamyacin rx
Low-dose systemic doxycycline for refractory agg. periodontitis
● dose
● Periostat™ (100 mg PO daily
macrolide dosages
Orofacial Infection:
Perio Infection:
Orofacial Infection: 500mg, then 250mg PO Daily x 4 days.
Perio Infection: 500mg PO Daily x 5 days
preffered prophylaxis dose
Amoxicillin 2gm X1 dose 30-60mins prior to dental procedure preferred
AAOS Recommended Prophylaxis number one choice adult/child doses
Oral Amoxicillin
adult: 2g
child: 50 mg/kg
30-60 min before
what if pt cannot take oral abx but no allergies?.
PJI prophylaxis
Ampicillin 2g IM or IV 50mg/kg IM or IV
Ceftriaxone 1g IM or IV 50mg/kg IM or IV
what if pt has a hx of penicillin allergies but can take oral abx (joint prophylaxis)
Cephalexin 2 g 50 mg/kg
Azithromycin or clarithromycin 500 mg 15 mg/kg
Allergic to penicillins and unable to take oral
medication for pji prophy
Ceftriaxone 1 g IM or IV 50 mg/kg IM or IV
Azithromycin or clarithromycin 500 mg 15 mg/kg
acyclovir preps for hsv
oral cap, tablet, suspension and ointment
acyclovir rx for adults (recurrent and primary infections)
adjusted for?
valcyclovir preps
Oral: tablets (500 mg or 1000 mg)
valcyclovir dosing (primary and recurrent infections)
adjust for?
penciclovir prep
1% external cream
penciclovir dosing
famciclovir preps
Oral: tablets (125, 250, and 500 mg)
*Tablets contain lactose
famciclovir dosing (primary and recurrent infections)
adjust for?
Docosanol preps
10% external cream
docosanol dosing
acyclovr suspensionexample rx
valacyclovir recurrence example rx
penciclovir example rx
famciclovir recurrence example rx
Oseltamivir prep
oral ans suspension
Oseltamivir dosing
tx and prevention,adjust for?
Baloxavir marboxil prep
single tablet pack (40 or 80 mg)
Baloxavir marboxil dosage
tx and prophy
oseltamavir example rx
Baloxavir marboxil example rx
Oropharyngeal thrush tx options
fluconazole tx of esphogeal thrush
Fluconazole - 400 mg as a loading dose and then 200 to 400 mg daily for 14 to 21days given orally
Miconazole (Oravig) dosage
50 mg (1 tablet) applied to upper gum once daily for 7-14 days
* Apply in morning after brushing. Alternate sides of mouth with each application; do not crush, chew, or swallow. Avoid chewing gum while in place.
* If the tablet does not adhere to gum or falls off within 6 hours of application, same tablet should be repositioned immediately.
* Exposure time important: goal entirety of waking hours.
Clotrimazole (Mycelex) dosage
* Metabolized in? contraindicated in?
* Avoid in combination with?
* Oral Troche?
10mg (1 troche) dissolved slowly 5 times daily for 7-14 days
* Metabolized in liver – 3A4. Contraindicated in liver disease.
* Avoid in combination with benzodiazapines; HIV
* Oral Troche for management of oral candidiasis
Fluconazole (Diflucan) dentistry uses and rx
Esophogeal candidiasis or refractory, resistant oral candidiasis.
Rx: Fluconazole 200mg tablet, #15
400mg once, then 200mg PO daily x 14days
Clotrimazole (Mycelex) troches example rx for topical
Nystatin oral suspension example rx
Oravig (Miconazole) example rx
Magic Mouthwash formula
- NO STANDARD formula
- 80% of healthcare facilities compound their own unique formula
Magic Mouthwash Ingredients
* Most Common:
- Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) >90%
- Viscous lidocaine 90%
- Magnesium hydroxide/ Aluminum hydroxide (Maalox) 80%
- Nystatin 30%
- Corticosteroids 10%
- Tetracyclines 10%