Unit 1 - Cp 1 &2 Flashcards
what is crew resource management (CRM) training
team training that teaches team members to use all available resources, people, information and equipment
what is performance management
the process of establishing performance goals and designing interventions and programs to motivate and develop employees to improve their performance by ensuring ACCOUNTABILITY FOR RESULTS, IMPORTANCE TO ORG, and HELPS TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE
Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and have a specific time frame
what is the performance management process
set goals, monitor, evaluate - employee training & development
what is training
training is formal and planned efforts to help employees acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities to improve performance in their current job
what is development
formal & planned efforts to help employees acquire knowledge, skills and abilities required to perform further job responsibilities
what is human resources development
systematic & planned activities that are designed by an organization to provide employees with opportunities to learn necessary kills to meet current and future job demand. Main functions are TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT, ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT & CAREER DEVELOPMENT. Core is LEARNING.
what is skills mismatch
an insufficient number of workers with the skills needed are available to satisfy the number of available jobs
training bond
a contract between the employer and employee that states that the employer will pay for the employee’s training as long as the employee remains with the organization for a period of time following completions of the training program
what environmental influence the human resources system
legislation, economic climate, competition, demographics and social values
what key environmental factors drive hr & training and development
global competition, technology, labour market, organizational change
what impact on training does global competition have
orgs to improve productivity& quality of their goods & services. this usually requires ee’s to learn new skills. Cross cultural training for ee’s who travel for assignments in foreign countries
what impact does technology have on training
technology will lead to productivity gains only when employees receive proper training. i.e. yellow pages has to transform from print publishing to digital media
labour market impact on training is what?
shortage of skilled workers, skills mismatch , to deal with this the country will have to change its approach to education and training
what impact to training does organizational change have
impact from globalization, technology and competition organization much adapt to change. training on managing change
what key organzationall factors drive hr & training and development
strategy, structure and culture