Unit 1 Contact Flashcards
Bantu language with Arabic words, spoken along the East African coast, people speaking it were involved in Indian Ocean trade
Spread of it helped integrate sub-Saharan Africa into global trade networks, was allowed in the Kingdom of Ghana, spread of it was evidenced by Mansa Musa’s hajj
Indian Ocean Trade & Goods Traded
East Africa participated (Swahili peoples), traded ivory, gold, and slaves, Portugal profited off of it (dominated sea lanes and tried to tax those using the routes)
Great Zimbabwe
Bantu, gold rich, controlled interior African trade
Mali Empire
Successor to the Kingdom of Ghana, had horses (from Sundiata’s triumph), Mansa Musa was the emperor at one time, helped trade become more integrated with Eurasia, known for its wealth
Main city in Mali, commercial, religious, and intellectual center
Trans-Saharan Trade and Goods Traded
Spread of Islam helped integrate it, traded salt, gold, and slaves
Mansa Musa
Emperor of Mali (at one time), made a famous pilgrimage to Mecca and established trade routes to the Middle East, was very rich (crashed Cairo market due to so much gold)
Catalan Atlas
14th century map that depicted a single black ruler (Mansa Musa) controlling a vast quantity of gold in interior Africa
Portuguese ship with triangular sails built for strong winds/currents (used tacking)
Portuguese 3-4 masted ship built for rough waters
Instrument used by sailors to determine their location (looked at position of the stars/planets)
Vasco da Gama
First European to reach India (Indian Ocean) by sailing around the tip of Africa, found a commercial network (wanted to take it over), used skilled Muslim mariners to assist him (had knowledge of winds, ports, currents)
People who met Columbus. both thought the other was savage, Taino had ignorance of European goods (ships, horses–just didn’t know!), saw Europeans had beards, bad breath, and bad manners, and natives marveled that they could not live off the land
Atlantic System
System of trade and expansion that linked Europe, Africa, and the Americas (traded slaves, goods, etc.–>caused by Euro. colonization of Americas)
Christopher Colombus
He mistakenly discovered the Americas in 1492 while searching for a faster route to India
Attempt by one country to establish settlements and impose its political, economic, and cultural principles in another territory
Spanish military leaders, led conquest of the New World (16th century)
Columbian Exchange
Transfer of previously unknown plants, animals, people, diseases, and products (in the wake of Columbus’ voyage)
Plantation Agriculture
Required mills and LOTS of labor, but was highly profitable (sugar plantations were worked by slaves, had AWFUL conditions–sugar was a killing crop)
Grant by the Spanish Crown to an American colonist giving them the right to demand tribute/forced labor from the Amerindian inhabitants of the area (used in mines, plantations, public works)
Mita System
(Incan) Local system recruiting labor, village elders selected a stipulated number of men to work in shafts, refineries, and smelters (got a lot of silver, but also a lot of death)
Santo Domingo /Saint Domingue
One of the wealthiest societies based on slavery of all time (produced half of world’s sugar and coffee by 1789–merchants and planters there had Euro.-noble-style homes)
Role of Europeans in the Slave Trade
Bought/sold slaves (used for labor)
Middle Passage
Voyage that brought enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to North America/the West Indies
Impact on Africa (Atlantic Slave Trade)
Allowed African merchants and warlords to gain commercial success (consolidate political power/grow wealthy), let Africans working in the slave trade to obtain European goods (guns as well since Civil Wars helped for gaining slaves), enhanced warrior class but pointed wealth towards port cities (away from locals), but decreased the population major
Chatel Slavery
Form of slavery where slaves were treated awfully (treated like cattle, were branded and sold like property)
Queen Nzinga
Masterful diplomat and shrewd military planner, converted to Christianity (good at managing Portuguese relations due to this and other), ruled for 37 years after her brother’s death, hid slaves and lied to enslavers about their locations
Olaudah Equiano
African who was sold into slavery and crossed the Atlantic on an awful slave ship, eventually purchased his freedom (wanted to tell his story so people could learn from it)
Different Forms of Slave Resistance
Running away, working slowly, stealing, sabotage, violent revolt (least common)
Syncretic Religions
Hybrid religions, combine two or more into one combination (happened in the Americas, Christianity + Indigenous Religions)
People born in Spain/Portugal who lived in the Americas (had lots of societal control)
People of mixed Amerindian and European heritage (notably in Mexico)
Castas & Castas Paintings
Tell a story about the mixed races (showed how people felt about certain races), were racialized pictures
People born in the Americas to Spanish parents (had less societal control than peninsulares, resented it)
Assess the motivations for European exploration and compare the impact of European exploration in Asia and the Americas
Europeans wanted to get to the Indian Ocean, populations were on the rise (end of Black Death), silver and gold were going up in value, governments were centralizing (and looking to exert power), in both Asia and the Americas the populations increased as well as nutritional value, both were used for trade/imports and for the spread of European ideals
Assess how European colonization of the Americas affected the indigenous population and describe their responses
It destroyed the population (90% of Amerindians died), so they were unable to fight the Europeans off, and the natives absolutely hated the Europeans (would rather be in hell than in heaven with the Spanish)
Assess how European colonization of the Americas affected African peoples and describe their forms of resistance to it
It destroyed their populations and changed the way society worked, people resisted in ways from stealing to violet revolts (see more specific cards)
Analyze the consequences of the Atlantic slave trade across the Atlantic world, including European’s involvement in it and its impact on Africa
Europeans just supported and exploited it, 12.5 million slaves were shipped, it shifted the way that Africa was (and there was already slavery there, this made it grow exponentially)
Explain the significance of various products for the global economy (sugar, silver, etc…)
The wealth of silver/gold just went back to Europe (made Europeans richer), sugar/salt were good for taste and nutrition (sugar was also quite profitable), slaves served plantations and created more goods for sale (more $), ivory was for the making of goods, corn and other crops helped with nutrition (overall, goods not from certain regions could now get there)
Describe how hybrid cultures emerged in the Americas
Missionaries (Christianizing, De-Christianizing), learning to survive on the new land, marriage, combination of the Old and New Worlds
Mansa Musa’s Hajj
Accompanied by soldiers, wives, and 12,000 slaves, reflected that Islam had spread far, and showed people the wealth of the region