Unit 1 - Conservation in the UK, abroad, Life processes in the biosphere and Land resources - Keywords Flashcards
A community of species that does not develop to a natural climax, butis maintained by external influences including human activities such as burning, grazing or ploughing.
tourism intended to have a low environmental impact, usually involving seeing wildlife.
non-governmental organisations.
Natural England
the UK governmental organisation with responsibility for the conservation of wildlife and the landscape.
Local Nature Reserves
National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act
The UK law that enabled the establishment of National Parks, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and many public rights of way.
Natura 2000
A network of protected sites in the EU that combine the SPAs and SACs set up under the birds and habitats directives.
Species Recovery Programme
UK programme to help increase the numbers of some endangered species.
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
A measure of the variety and abundance of wildlife species
Biodiversity Action Plan.
Convention on Biological Diversity 1992
International conference held in Brazil, often called
the Rio Summit.
Forestry Commission
the UK governmental forestry organisation, which manages research, commercial timber production, learning and leisure.
World Wide Fund for Nature is and environmental campaigning and pressure group.
Natural Trust
A UK charity that conserves historic buildings and important landscapes and habitats.
Friends of the Earth is an environmental pressure group.
An environmental pressure group.
A group of organisms that resemble each other more than other organisms and naturally interbreed to produce fertile offspring.
Abiotic factors
Physical factors such as light, temperature and water.
Biotic factors
Biological factors such as food and disease.
Any chemical that is essential to an organism for growth or for metabolic processes.
A small area with a climate that is different from the surrounding area.
The total mass of living or recently living material in an area
Carbon sequestration
any process that is used to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, such as afforestation or underground storage.
Less Economically Developed Countries.
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (of wild fauna and flora).
Organisms that drift in the surface layers of the sea or other water bodies.
A relationship between organisms of different species that live together. One benefits while the other species may benefit, be unaffected or suffer.
No-Take Zone
an area where the catching or removal of species is banned, e.g. areas where fishing is not allowed.
An upwelling is where deep ocean water comes to the surface, often carrying
nutrients and causing rich algal blooms.
A measure of the reflectivity of a surface, More reflective surfaces have higher albedos.
UV Light
UV is short wavelength radiation emitted by the sun. Its energy can cause chemical
reactions to take place, such as in the ozone layer or sunburn and DNA damage.
British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
UK research organisation that operates in Antarctica
Antarctic Treaty
An international agreement to protect and manage Antarctica.
The roughness of the environment caused by chaotic air and water flow
An organism that gains its organic compounds for energy and growth from other organisms.