Unit 1: Concepts Of Motion Flashcards
The change of an objects position with time
Translational Motion
Motion in which the object moves through space
The path along which an object moves
Motion Diagram
Shows an objects position at several equally spaces instants of time
An object that can be represented as a mass at a single point in space
Particle Model
A simplification in which we treat a moving object as if all of its mass were concentrated at a single point
Position Vector
An arrow that’s drawn from the origin to an objects position
Scalar Quantity
A physical quantity described by a single number
Vector Quantity
A quantity having both a size and a direction
The size or length of a vector
A change of position
Zero Vector
A vector with zero length
Time Interval
A change in time
Average Speed
Measures an objects fastness or slowness, defined as the ratio
Average Speed = Distance Travelled/Time Interval Spent Travelling = d/delta t
Average Velocity
The ratio of how far and what direction an object travels over a time interval