Unit 1 - Chapter 5 (and Chapter 7) Flashcards
Bringing demand and supply together in a competitive market Markets at work (7)
Competitive market
A market in which the large number of buyers and sellers possess good market information and easily enter or leave the market.
A state of rest or balance between opposing forces.
Market equilibrium
When planned demand equals planned supply in the market.
Excess supply
When firms wish to sell more than consumers wish to buy, with the price above the equilibrium price.
Market disequilibrium
When the market fails to clear. The market plans of consumers and firms are inconsistent with each other.
Excess demand
When consumers wish to buy more than firms wish to sell, with the price below the equilibrium price.
A market is in disequilibrium when
1) planned demand < planned supply (price falls)
2) planned demand > planned supply (price rises)
Functions price perform in the economy
1) signalling function
2) incentive function
3) rationing or allocative function
Signalling function
Prices provide information to buyers and sellers.
Incentive function
Prices create incentives for consumers and firms to behave in certain ways.
Rationing or allocative function
Prices allocate scarce resources between competing uses.
Occurs when people buy or sell a good or service because they believe the price is going to rise or fall in the future. Successful speculation means people benefit from capital gains or avoid capital losses.