UNIT 1-CHAPTER 1&2: Intro to Science & Intellectual Revolution Flashcards
scientia means
to know
it is an ongoing process in unveiling the truth about the natural world
Goals in Science
DESCRIBE phenomenon
PREDICT whether the event may occur again in a certain situation
EXPLAIN the causes of such events
2 Branches of Science
Natural Science
Social Science
3 Branches of Natural Science
Physical Science
Earth Science
3 Branches of Social Science
Political Science
3 Branches of Biology
it studies living things
it studies non-living things
Physical Science
it studies the earth and the system in space
Earth Science
it studies society and its relationships
it studies the government and how it works
Political Science
Branches of Physical Science
Branches of Earth Science
it deals with the earth and its structure, composition, and processes
It studies elements and its properties, behavior, and composition
it studies the events outside the atmosphere
it deals with the weather by studying the events occurring in the atmosphere
It focuses on topics about energy, motion, and force
study of knowledge, its nature, origin, and limits
episteme means
knowledge of facts
Propositional Knowledge
uses formal systems to acquire knowledge; it assures absolute certainty
Formal Science
systematic process to answer queries and solve issues
Scientific method
Who said knowledge is equal to truth or as the Justified True Belief
Who contested the idea of Tripartite?
Edmund L. Gettier with his Gettier Case
it is the act of having confidence on a matter that could be true or false?
knowledge gained through experience
Personal Knowledge
aka know-hows
Procedural Knowledge
it applies scientific concepts to create or design new things through engineering
it utilizes latest devices to discover new things
GMO means
Genetically Modified Organisms
it is the process wherein an electron absorbs a photon and is then elated
are the experts that teaches in the Sumerian civilization
stone tools used in the stone age for gathering resources
a sophisticated culture first discovered in Sumer
a writing system using pictographic symbols
Age wherein people smelt copper with tin to make durable tools
Bronze Age
a region of Iraq where Sumer is situated
during which empire was 3D sculpture made
Akkadian Empire
Characteristics of a Civilization
Advanced Cities Specialized Workers Complex institutions Record Keeping Advanced technologies
it is the record of Sumerian’s yearly cycle of agricultural activities
Farmer’s almanac
schools in Sumer but is not compulsory
set of rules to be followed by the unified people during the fall of Akkadian Empire
Hammurabi’s Code
form of medicine originating in India
civilization which developed geometry and alchemy research
Egyptian Civilization
became the trade center during Hammurabi’s rule
overthrew Babylonian Empire
first to introduce heliocentric theory (Sun-centered)
Aristarchus of Samos
the one who said there are 4 elements: earth, fire, water, and air
Empedocles of Agrigente
Father of Zoology
He proposed the theories on atomism.
Leucippus of Miletus
wrote Almagest and created the Geocentric model
Claudius Ptolemy
5 major point on Atomic Theory and by whom is it
Democritus of Abdera
- All matter is made from atoms.
- There is a void/space between atoms.
- Atoms are completely solid.
- Atoms are homogenous and have no internal structure.
- Atoms vary in sizes.
father of experimental Science
Galileo Galilei
Father of Empiricism and developed scientific method
Francis Bacon
people who discovered functions and decimal board
Chinese Civilization
books by romans
Father of Modern Western Science; Analytic Geometry
Rene Descartes
He was the person behind the ideas of differential Calculus
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibinz
invented printing press
Johannes Guttenberg
proves the heliocentric theory
Nicholas Copernicus
The time when globalization through overseas exploration started.
Age of Exploration
CRISPR meaning
Clustered Regular Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats
discovered law of gravitation, motion, as well as the Corpuscular Theory
Sir Isaac Newton
first woman to receive professorship and researched on Franklin Electricity
Laura Bassi
coined the term Radioactivity
Marie Curie
man behind the Nobel Prize
Alfred Nobel
created the Periodic table of Elements
Dmitri Mendeleev
age wherein people don’t rely on old texts and instead do research
Age of Reason
made the steam engine
James Watt
Invented the mercury-filled thermometer
Gabriel Fahrenheit
coined the term Scientist in 1833
William Whewell
35P/Herschel-Rigollet was named after her
Caroline Herschel
who discovered the Coulumb’s Law or the electrical force between charges
Charles Coulumb
those who discovered helical structure of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
James Watson
Francis Crick
Mauris Wilkins
Rosalind Franklin
person behind modern computers, AI, CAPTCHA, Turing Test
Alan Turing
monolayer carbon with promising quantum electrical properties
Steps in (Thomas) Kuhn’s Cycle
- Normal Science
- Model Drift
- Model Crisis
- Model Revolution
- Paradigm Shift
paradeigma means
pattern or example
extreme revolution which leads to the addition or replacement of old conceptual world view
Paradigm Shift
In Kuhn’s cycle what stage is it when the model fails to solve the issue
Model Crisis
certainty is not absolute since this uses experiences and senses
Empirical Science
Civilizations in the Ancient Ages that contibuted to Science revolution
Sumerian Akkadian Babylonian Assyrian Egyptian indian Chinese Greek&Romans
Greek philosophers with science contribution
- Empedocles of Agrigente
- Democritus of Abdera
- Leucippus of Miletus
- Claudius Ptolemy
- Aristarchus of Samos
- Aristotle
Renaissance: People who contributed to science
- Nicholas Oresme
- Johannes Guttenberg
- Nicholas Copernicus
- Johannes Kepler
- Galileo Galilei
- Rene Descartes
- Francis Bacon
- Tycho Brahe
- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibinz
18th Century: People who contributed to science
- Sir Isaac Newton
- Charles Coulumb
- James Watt
- Gabriel Fahrenheit
- Edmond Halley
- Antoine Lavoisier
- Caroline Herschel
- Laura Bassi
19th Century: People who contributed to science
- William Whewell
- Alessandra Volta
- Charles Darwin
- Louis Pasteur
- Dmitri Mendeleev
- Nikola Tesla
- Alfred Nobel
20th century: People who contributed to science
- Marie Curie
- Albert Einstein
- Jonas Salk
- James Watson
- Francis Crick
- Mauris Wilkins
- Rosalind Franklin
- Alan Turing
- Tu Youyou
After the fall of Roman Empire in the 5th century, what event occurred?
Dark Ages of Science
occurred due to growth of population and increased demands of supplies
Industrial Revolution
first wave of technology which focused on food
Agricultural Revolution
waves of succession in changes of human civilization across history
Wave of Technology
aka computer age; driven by rise of dynamic new industries based on scientific knowledge and manipulative abilities through the use of computers.
Information Revolution
stage of the Kuhn’s Cycle where many people cooperate to resolve issues and create a new model
Model Revolution