Unit 1/Ch5: Working with Families Flashcards
Why do we study families?
- Families are complex systems (family friends, extended family, support systems, siblings)
- OT’s must be prepared to work with a variety of families (foster, single parent, multi-generational care, grandparents)
- OTs must understand the influence of the family’ daily routines/goals on how children spend their time
- Involvement of family members is central to the best practice of occupational therapy
- A group of occupational beings
- Transmit a cultural model
- Give children a sense of support, identity, and emotional well- being
- Help children develop fundamental routines and lifestyle habits
- Prepare children to become productive adults
Master (Outcomes of Family Occupation)
Help children learn to master routines and habits that support health and wellbeing
Participate (Outcomes of Family Occupation)
Foster readiness to learn and participate in educational programs
Assume (Outcomes of Family Occupation)
Foster readiness to assume place in community and society
A family system is composed of… (system perspective of family occupations)
individuals who are interdependent and have reciprocal influences on each other’s occupations.
Within a family, subsystems are defined by… (system perspective of family occupations)
Their own patterns of interaction and shared occupations.
A family must be understood as a… (system perspective of family occupations)
Whole, and it is more than the sum of the abilities of each member.
The family system works to… (system perspective of family occupations)
Sustain patterns in family occupations and to be part of a larger community.
What is inherent in a family? (system perspective of family occupations)
Change and evolution
A family as an open system is influenced by… (system perspective of family occupations)
Its environment
-Birth, adoptive, partner, blended or foster
-Caregiver” sometimes used to refer to
grandparents, foster parents
-Effect of child with special needs on mothers and fathers (Mothers/fathers may have different priorities/perspectives for the child)
-Effect of child with special needs on parent’s relationship: Marriages that have children with special needs have increased divorce rate
-Effect of child with special needs on siblings: Acting-out, extra-caring behavior
-Siblings can be a source of support: Siblings can help encourage child to
achieve OT goals
-Siblings also need support and care due to caregiving role: Art therapy for sibling care-givers.
Extended Family
- Aunts, uncles, grandparents
- Extended family can provide additional support
- Many children being raised by grandparent: Aging parents can be an added stressor
Normative Events (transitions- the family lifecycle)
Normative changes are changes that you can prepare for:
- Birth of new child
- Begin Kindergarten
- Middle school, High School, College Transition
Non-Normative Events (transitions- the family lifecycle)
Non-Normative changes are changes that normally can/’t be prepared for.
- Grandparents moving in
- Divorce
- Moving away