UNIT 1 Flashcards
2 Reasons for selecting target behavior
- Helps an individual achieve outcomes
- Behavior deficit makes the person too dependent on others.
5 Problems with behavior
- Can’t do: skill deficit.
- Problem with strength
- Won’t do
- Does, but only under limited circumstances
- Does at the wrong time or in the wrong place.
Adaptive Behavior
Those skills or abilities that enable the individual to meet standards of personal independence and responsibility that would be expected of his or her age and social group .
Mastered Tasks
Tasks for which the person has met the performance criteria set for the specific task within specific conditions
3 Examples of Assessments used to identify skills to target for acquisition
2) Essentials for Living
3) The move curriculum
Discriminative Stimulus
Antecedent stimulus correlated with the availability of reinforcement.
Stimulus that should, after teaching, evoke the correct or an appropriate response.
Discriminative Stimulus.
Motivating Operations
Antecedents that may temporarily increase or decrease the VALUE of a consequence. They can be used to evoke a correct or appropriate response.
Motivating Operations.
Supplementary antecedent stimuli used to evoke a correct response in the presence of an EO or Sd that will eventually control behavior.
Artificial consequences and schedules
Consequent stimuli or schedules of presentation that may result in the learner making the correct or an appropriate response more frequently.
The presentation or removal of a stimulus following a response, that increases (or maintains) the future frequency of that response.
Reinforcement should be used to:
- Get behavior going
- Strengthen a dimension of an already acquired skill
- Keep behavior going/maintaining a behavior
(AKA maintenance).
Steps to:
Positive reinforcement
1) Identify appetitive stimuli (potential reinforcers)
2) Collect baseline data
3) Deliver the appetitive stimuli contingent upon the target response
4) Continue to collect data.
Steps to:
Negative reinforcement
1) Identify aversive stimuli/conditions
2) Collect baseline data
3) Remove the aversive stimuli/conditions contingent upon the target response
4) Continue to collect data.
Continuous (FR1) schedules
Consequence delivered after every response.
Typically used to BUILD or STRENGTHEN a skill.
Variable schedules
Consequence delivered after some number of responses, time, or interval.
Typically used to MAINTAIN a behavior over time.
Pattern of behavior produced on fixed schedule
UNSTEADY responding
Pause and Burst
Pattern of behavior produced on variable schedules
STEADY responding.
Ratio schedules
Produce higher rates of responding.
Fixed Ration
Very high rates of responding.
Fixed interval
Scalloped responding.
Variable Ratio
High steady rates.
Variable Interval
LOW to MODERATE steady rates of responding.
When can prompts be given?
-Before a response begins to occur or during a response cycle to aid the performance of the behavior.
Where/Why are prompts are used?
- In skill acquisition programs
- To evoke a low-probability behavior
- To evoke a chain of behavior by prompting the first step ( response priming)
- To prompt behaviors incompatible with an inappropriate behavior.
Response Prompts
Operate directly on the response
What are the 3 type of Response Prompts?
1) Verbal
2) Modeling
3) Physical
Stimulus Prompts
Operate directly on the antecedent task stimuli to cue a correct response in conjunction with the critical Sd.
Position Cue
Item being taught is placed closer to the student.
Movement Cue
- Pointing to
- Tapping
- Touching
- Looking at the item being taught.
Redundancy of antecedent stimuli
One or more stimulus/response dimension paired with a correct choice.
Gestural Prompt
- Response prompt if the prompt operates on the response
- Stimulus prompt if the prompt operates on an antecedent stimulus.
A technique used to gradually transfer stimulus control from supplementary antecedent stimuli (prompts) to naturally occurring EO’s and/or Sd’s.
Procedures for Fading Response Prompts
1) Most-to-least prompts (fading out)
2) Least-to-most prompts (fading in)
3) Time delay (constant to progressive)
4) Graduated Guidance. (Hand-over-hand)
Graduated Guidance
Hand-over-hand assistance and the combined use of physical prompting and fading, resulting in a systematic gradual reduction in the intensity or intrusiveness of the physical prompt.
Single Response Skill
- A single movement
- Can be taught without breaking it down into smaller steps.
Multiple Response Skill
Requires breaking downtime skill into multiple steps or response to effectively teach it.
Differential Reinforcement
Providing a reinforcer when the correct or an appropriate response occurs and not doing so when it does not occur or another response occurs.
Prompt Fading
When the correct or an appropriate response begins to occur, gradually provide less prompts and an additional level of differential reinforcement.
- Using differential reinforcement to produce a series of gradual changing response classes.
- Reinforcement is provided when closer approximations to the correct response occurs.
Stimulus Fading
Highlighting a physical dimension
(color, size, position) of a stimulus to increase the likelihood of a correct response
Effects of stimulus fading on problem behavior
- Functions as an abolishing operation and ABATES problem behavior.
- EVOKES appropriate behavior.
Stimulus shape transformations
Use an initial stimulus shape that will prompt a correct response.
Task Analysis
Breaking down a chain into its component responses
3 Steps to developing a TA:
1) perform the task or watch someone perform the task
2) write down each individual step in sequence
3) perform or have someone perform a task according to the steps listed.
What are the 4 types of Chaining?
1) Forward Chaining
2) Backward Chaining
3) Backward Chaining with leaps ahead
4) Total Task Chaining.
Forward Chaining
- The responses in the chain are taught, one at a time, in the same order as they naturally occur.
Backward Chaining
- The responses are taught, one at a time, but beginning teaching the last step in the chain.
Advantages of Backward Chaining
The learner contacts the natural reinforcement contingencies in every learning trial.
Backward chaining with Leaps Ahead
Same as Backward Chaining, except some steps are skipped and probed instead.
Advantages of Backward Chaining with Leaps Ahead
May reduce training time.
Total Task Chaining
All the steps are trained in a learning trial.
Total Task Chaining seems to works best with learners with an:
Imitative repertoire.
4 Procedures for Teaching Response Chains
1) Chaining
2) Modeling
3) Instructions
4) Behavioral Skills Training.