Unit 1 - 6 Flashcards
What is the main law for computer protection today?
Data Protection Act 2018
What is purpose limitation?
Data only collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes, the only exception being public interest, scientific or historical research
What is data minimisation?
Holding data of a person that is necessary, must be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary
What is the accuracy principle?
All data collected must be accurate, kept up to data and needs to be updated when notified if that data has changed and erase data that is no longer to data and accurate
What are data retention periods?
All data must be kept for no longer than necessary
What is the data security principle?
All data held must be able processed in a manner that ensures security of the data
What is the newest principle, accountability?
Data controllers must be able to prove that their data protection measures are sufficient
What is the computer misuse act 1990?
Making it illegal to make any unauthorised access to data with intent to commit further offences or modify data e.g. viruses
What is the copyright and patents act in 1988?
Illegal to copy any work without owner or copyright holders permission e.g. piece of software
Give 2 examples of ethical issues with computing?
Ensuring public safety and data security
Why is ensuring public safety an ethical issue in computing?
Driverless cars may impact safety priority and safety priority is paramount in life
Why is data security an ethical issue in computing?
Personal data must be kept safe especially financial statements and avoid hackers that could take all of your money leading to you becoming bankrupt and homeless, the economy will also decline
What are 4 legal issues when it comes to computing?
Sharing personal data, stealing financial information, illegally copying and distributing copyright material, extorting information or blackmailing someone
What are cultural issues in computing?
The digital divide between generations, cultures and countries.
The changing nature of employment
What is the digital divide in computing?
Those who are able to use technology and those not capable, this may occur due to wealth, technological advancements, computer skills, generational advancements, country economy