Unit 1 Flashcards
- A word that means “taking on human flesh”
- Jesus is the incarnation of God
- In Jesus, God took a human form
Jesus as Primordial Sacrament
- Jesus is the prime sacrament
- He points to God’s love while at the same time he is God’s love for us as he reconciles the world to his Father
-A religious ceremony or act of the Christian Church that is regarded as an outward and visible sign of inward and spiritual divine grace
How Church and Communion of Saints participate in the sacraments
- Communion with Christ
- An intimate/ organic bond
- Lose our connection w/ Christ, we lose our connection to grace - Communion with other Catholics
- Many different people are part of a parish
- Don’t always get along, yet we are all together at Church - Communion with people around the world
- Social Justice: A form of justice that treats all people fairly and equally, according to their due
- Involves fair treatment of individuals
- Also involves the structures of society that protects or opress the rights of certain people - Communion of Saints
- All those who have come before us
- When we celebrate the sacraments, we celebrate with the saints
Hypostatic Union
-The doctrine of faith that recognizes two natures (one human, one divine) in the one divine person of Jesus
Grace/ Sacrament Grace
- A participation in the life and love of the Trinity that comes to us through the sacraments
- Each sacrament brings us a different dimension of God’s life and love
Types of Sacraments
- Sacrament of Initiation:
- Baptism
- Confirmation
- Communion - Sacrament of Healing:
- Penance
- Anointing of the Sick - Sacrament of Commitment:
- Matrimony
- Holy Orders
- A sign that points to God’s presence, and also makes his experience reality in the here and now
- Jesus is a sign of God’s love, and he also effects that love and makes it present
Human Solidarity
- The virtue of social charity, friendship, and responsible sharing -we recognize our interdependence on others
- we are all brothers and sisters of one family under a loving Father
Apostolic Succession
-An unbroken chain of power and authority connecting the pope and bishops to St. Peter and the 12 apostles of Jesus
Sacraments of Christ
-All sacraments have Christ as their minister and source
Sacraments of the Church
- Church has the authority to minister the graces
- Ministerial Priesthood & common priesthood
- Sacraments cant be re-preformed (sacramental character)
Sacraments of Faith
- lex orandi, lex credendi: As we pray, so we believe
- Priest makes sacraments possible, does not depend on his character
Sacraments of Salvation
- Sacraments work to save us
- Opere Operato: By the very fact of the action, the Holy Spirit preforms independently of the priest performing sacrifice
Sacraments of Eternal Life
-Marana Tha: “O Lord, come”
Form vs Matter
- Form: The shape or qualities that the matter takes that make it what it is
- Matter: The stuff thats there (physical element)
- All sacraments have form and matter
- Matter: Water (immersion or pouring water on person)
- Form: saying “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”
- Matter: Oil (anointing with oil) & laying on of the hands
- Form: “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit”
- Matter: bread and wine (eating them)
- Form:”Take this… this is my body… this is my blood”
- Matter: the sinner confessing and making up for sin
- Form: “Through the ministry of the Church may God give you pardon & peace, and I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Holy Spirit”
Anointing of the Sick
- Matter: anointing the sick person with oil
- Form: “through this holy anointing may the Lord in his love & mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit”
Holy Orders
- Matter: Laying on of hands, anointing the hands of the person being ordained
- Form: “Grant, we pray, Almighty Father, to these, your servants, the dignity of the Priesthood; renew deep within the spirit of holiness..”
- Matter: Man & woman vowing their consent
- Form: “I N take you N to be my wife/husband, I promise to be true to you in goods times and in bad..”
Easter Triduum:
- Three day liturgy
- Most solemn celebration of the Paschal Mystery
- Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday
- Considered one single liturgy
Sanctorial Cycle
-The feast of saints found throughout the year of the Church’s liturgical calendar
Ministerial Priesthood
- The priesthood of Christ received in the sacrament of Holy Orders
- Its purpose is to serve the common priesthood by building up and guiding the Church in the name of Christ
Common Priesthood
- The priesthood of the faithful
- Christ made the Church a “Kingdom of priests” who share in his priesthood through the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation
- Hebrew word “Shabbat” = to cease
- A weekly day of rest & worship in the Jewish faith
- Jews observe Sabbath on the 7th day of the week
- Christian Sabbath= Sunday (day Jesus rose from the dead)
Lectio Divina
- Greek for “divine reading”
- Prayerful way to read the Bible or any other sacred reading
Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi
- “As we pray, so we believe”
- Our prayers effect our beliefs
Ex Opere Operato
- By the very fact of the actions being preformed
- The Holy Spirit works independently of the priest preforming the sacrifice/ sacrament
Church Year
- Also called the Liturgical Year
- Organizes the major events of Jesus’ life around the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time 1, Lent, Triduum, Easter, and Ordinary Time 2
Holy day of obligation
-One of several special days in the Church Year where all Catholics are obligated to participate in Mass
- Heresy that believed that is a priest did not have good moral character, the sacrament he preformed would not work
- Holy spirit makes sacrament effective, not priest
- A christian convert under instruction before baptism
- Lent began as a period of preparation for them
- Beginning of the Church year
- Season of preparation
- Means “coming”
- We wait and prepare:
- To remember Jesus’ birth 2000 years ago
- To look forward to his 2nd coming at the end of time
- Color= white
- Celebration of Christ’s birth
- 12 days long including:
- Nativity
- The Holy Family
- The Epiphany
- The Baptism of the Lord
Ordinary Time
- Ordinal–> Numbered
- Shows us how to follow Jesus in Ordinary Life
- Feasts:
- Jesus’ presentation in the temple
- Transfiguration
- Christ the King (final feast)
- Means Springtime
- Ash Wednesday begins Lent
- Started as an intense period to prepare catechumens
- 40 days
- Color= purple
- Period of fasting,almsgiving, all in preparation to celebrate the paschal mystery
- Palm sunday= last sunday of lent (begins Holy Week)
- Greatest Liturgy of the entire year
- Celebrate Christ’s conquering of Death
- read story of “Salvation History”
- We welcome Catechumens into the Church
- New paschal candle is lit
- 50 days
- ends at pentecost
- Ascension= 40 days after easter
Earthly signs Jesus used in the Gospel
- Turned water into wine at a wedding in Cana - Walked on water - Used water to wash the feet of his disciples
- Multiplied fish and loves of bread to feed the crowds - Described God's Kingdom as the yeast used to make bread - Served a breakfast of bread and fish to his Apostles
- He talked about the need of oil for lamps in his Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids - Showed how oil could heal wounds in his Parable of the Good Samaritan - Allowed a sinful women to anoint his feet with perfumed oil
Human Touch/ Acceptance:
- Healed the sick people of Gennesaret - Hugged little children and blessed them - Cured a leper
Furnishings of a Church
- Altar
- Tabernacle
- Chair
- Ambo
- Aumbry (with Oil of Catechumens and Oil of the Sick)
- Baptisery
- Reconciliation room