Unit 1 Flashcards
Nature (Genes)
All of the genes & heredity factors that influence who we are - from physical appearance to our personality characteristics.
Nurture (Enviornment)
Refers to all environmental variables that impact who we are.
-early childhood experiences
-how we’re raised
-social relationships
-surrounding culture
-anything that can influence development that is not from within a person.
Biological Psychology
stresses the importance of genetics & biological influences
Sum of all biological processes by which particular characteristics are transmitted from parents to their offspring (one generation to the next)
Segments of DNA molecules are functional units of heredity, make up the body’s blueprint
-we have about 24,000 genes
Study of heritable changes in gene expression (active vs. inactive). Study of changes in gene expression due from nongenetic causes
Sensitive Period
Particular time of life in which some behaviors or physical characteristics should be expressed
Monozygotic Twins (Identical)
Result from a single fertilized egg that splits in 2, are genetically identical.
Dizygotic Twins (Fraternal)
Develop from 2 zygotes & share 50% of their DNA
Extent to which differences in the appearance of a trait across several people can be accounted for by differences in their genes.
Nervous System
Body’s communication network that consists of all nerve cells.
-allows organisms to sense, organize, & react to information in the environment.
Central Nervous system
Coordinates the actions & interactions of the brain & spinal cord. Body’s main control center
-largest part of the nervous system.
Peripheral Nervous system
Incudes the sensory nerves outside the brain & spinal cord that connect the CNS to organs, limbs, & skin.
Motor Pathway
Part of the PNS
Signals from brain to muscles/glands
Sensory Pathway
Part of PNS
Signals from sensory receptors to the brain
Somatic Nervous System
Part of motor pathway
Includes the nerves that transmit signals from your brain to the skeletal muscles to allow voluntary movement
Sensory Neurons (Afferent Neurons)
Part of motor pathway
Carry information from the nerves to the CNS
-allow us to take in sensory information & send it to the brain & spinal cord
Motor Neurons (Efferent Neurons)
Part of Motor pathway
Carry information from the brain & spinal cord to muscle fibers throughout the body
Three types or neurons
Afferent, somatic, efferent
Neurons within the brain & spinal cord that communicate internally & intervene between the sensory inputs & motor outputs
reflex arc
Signal is sent from a sensory organ to the spinal cord, which processes the information instead of passing it on to the brain
Autonomic Nervous System
Regulates involuntary & unconscious actions
-Breathing, blood pumping through veins, digestion, heartbreak, work of internal organs
Sympathetic nervous system
Emergency response system. If something alarms, enrages, or challenges you “fight, flight, or freeze”
-accelerate heartbeat, raise blood pressure, slow digestion, raise blood sugar & cool you with sweat, making you alert
Parasympathetic Nervous System
Functions to calm the person. “Rest and Digest.”
-Reduces body arousal, decreases blood sugar, increases blood flow to the digestive organs, decreases heart rate.
Neuron (Nerve Cell)
Specialized cell in the nervous system that receives and sends messages with electrochemical signals
Glial Cells
Cells that provide physical support for the neurons to grow on & around (glue)
-90% of the brain is composed of glial cells (50:1)
-Surrounding neurons get nutrients to the neurons, clean up remains of neuron that have dried provide isulation
Dendrites (Antenna)
Part of neuron, branchlike extensions that receives electrical messages from other cells
Soma (Life Support)
Cell of the neuron that is responsible for maintaining the cell and keep the neuron functional (nucleus included)
Axon (Talker)
Fiber that extends from the cell body to the terminal endings, its job is to carry messages out to other cells
Myelin Sheath
Layer of fatty substance produced by certain glial cells, wraps around the axon to protect the nerve fiber from damage, insulating sheath, speeds up the neural message.
Axon Terminals
Tips at the end of the axon, sends signals to other neurons
terminal buttons/synaptic knobs
Synapse (contact point)
Meeting point between neurons at the end of the terminal button is a gap known as a synapse.
Synapse Vesicles
Store various neurotransmitters (chemicals) that are released at the synapse
Synaptic cleft or gap
Less than a millionth of an inch wide
Receptor sites
Receive signals, receptor sites are the lock that the neurotransmitter molecule fits into
Process by which chemical signals information travels through a neuron.
Neurons send messages electrochemically, meaning that chemicals cause an electrical signal inside the neuron
-electrical part happens in the neuron
-chemical part happens between the neurons
Selectively permeable membrane (step 1)
may allow certain positive ions to pass through
Threshold (Step 2)
Receiving a message, the receptor site will trigger the axon to let in positively charged ions if it reaches threshold. If stimulation is not strong enough, the neuron doesn’t fire
Sodium-entering the cell
Potassium-leaving the cell
those entering and leaving restores the equilibrium
Action Potential (step 3)
“Firing:” an electrical charge is created once stimulated enough by the +/- reaction, stopping resting potential (depolarization)
-neuron sends information down axon, away