Unit 1 Flashcards
Lens types
CR-39 index
Trivex index
Poly index
Mid-index index
1.6 or 1.57
High index index
Aspheric index
1.61 or 1.67 or 1.74
Glass index
Base curve formula
F1 + F2 = FT
Approximate formula
F0= Fsph + Fcyl (Sin 0) ^2
How do you know if there is prism in lens?
-When looking in lensometer the lines inside cannot be centered
-When PD and OC is off and doesnt match the order
-When you move the frame table in between OD and OS lens
How to measure verticle prism in lensometer?
-You need to know where the person is looking through and mark it
-Put the mark spot on the eye piece of lensometer
-Note down where the illuminated target is positioned, compare the two
How was the first bifocal made in early 20th century
-A cemented wafer was the first bifocal made
-The bifocal was a reading ADD cemented on to the distance power
-Introduced by AO (american optical) in the mid 1880s
When was cemented wafer made?
When was ultex made?
1917 - semi circle (inside of lens not outside)
When was Tillyer ful vue made
1925 (round style bifocal , OC is at top)
When was panoptik made
1929 - (sold under licnesed, fused glass bifocal )
When was kyrptok made
When was executive made
1952 (distance on top reading on bottom , 2 rounds lenses)
When was blended made
1978 - bifocal with no line
Aspheric lenses
-Be careful with minus lenses
-Less magnified eyes
Atoric lenses
-Essentially it is an aspheric lens compensating for cylinder as well
-Atoric is flattening the cylinder curve
-Use an atoric if the cyl is more than -2.00
Image jump can happen in what lenses?
Round bifocal
Flat top bifocal
Calculating image jump
-You will be given width, depth and power
-Divide the width in half, take the half od the width and subtract it from the depth. Take whatever you get from the depth, divide that in 10 and multiply it by the rx given.