Indications for GP and hybrid lenses
-Needs excellent VA/shaprness
-Custom designed lenses
-Borderline and mild dry eyes
-Irregular corneal surface
-Poor VA w/ gls and soft lenses
-Vision fluctuation w/ soft toric lenses
-High myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism
-ortho k
Contraindications for GP and hybrid
-Occular inflammation
-corneal hypothesia (loss of sensitivity)
-poor lens handling/cleaning/maintenance
-dust/chemical vapors
-sensitive to foreign body sensations
What are the main benefits that patients receive from RGP lenses
Can cover corneal astigmatism
better clarity
better for mild dry eyes
more oxygen to the eye
What are some benefits for the practice that are associated with fitting RGP lenses
-less required storage space
-develop a strong raport with the px since they will need to come back often for folow ups
Low dk - RGP
25 to 50 (Daily wear and myopes)
high DK for RGP
51 TO 100 (daily wear and hyperopes)
hyper Dk for RGP
100 (Extended wear)
refractive index for flurosilicone acrylate
1.42 to 1.46
8 material properties
-oxygen permebility
-oxygen transmission
-refractive index
-modulus (Flexure of lens)
-luminance transmission
-surface hardness
6 RGP physical parameters
-diameter (large diameters are better comfort)
-base curve (radiuscope)
-centre thickness
-peripheral curves
-edge profile
lens designs
-for regular corneas
-post surgical (oblate corneas)
characteristics of hybird lenses
-soft skirt
-gas permeable centre
-hyperbond junction (joins the gp centre and soft skirt together)
-tangible hydrapeg coating (makes it very slippery so hard to remove)
-overall diameter (14.5mm)
modality for RGP
1-2 year replacement
modality for hybrid lenses
6 month replacement (softer lens so more debris can get in there)
how long can you wear a RGP lens?
start with 1-2 hours and increase over days
-MAX of 14-16 hours daily but depends on px (Ex, dry eye or allergies)
hybrid wearing schedule
day 1; up to 6 hours
day 3-5; 8 hours
day 6+; as eye care professional reccomends