Unit 1 Flashcards
American political culture
Set of beliefs, customs, traditions, and values that Americans share
political issues
Issue that arises when people disagree about a problem and how to fix it
Process of influencing actions and policy of a government
institutions that make up a system of policymaking w/in a country
political system; supreme power lies in the people
natural rights
idea; all humans have God given rights
inalienable rights
idea; all humans have rights the government can’t take away
social contract
agreement between the people and their gov signifying their consent to be governed
policy agenda
issues on the political sphere
public policy
popular sovereignty
idea; political authority belongs to the people
form of government; representatives are elected by the people to make decisions in gov
freedom of choice
participatory gov
theory in democracy; citizens should actively/directly control all aspects of their lives through government
civil society groups
independent associations outside the gov’s control
pluralist theory
theory; groups of people advance policymaking by trying to advance their goals
elitist theory
theory; power is disproportionately given to the other class
theory; too many groups fighting against each other creates gridlock
political institutions
political institutions
structures of a political system that carry out the work of governing
constitutional republic
form of gov; people elect representatives to uphold a foundational doc
foundational document; written plan of government
form of government; in which citizens choose their representative by voting
articles of confederation
first constitution in the US; highlighted need for a stronger central gov
one house legislature
two house legislature
Shay’s rebellion
1786-1787; Daniel Shays led a rebellion in Massachusetts protesting mortgage foreclosures; highlighted the need for a strong central gov
constitutional convention
convention of delegates to change the Articles of Confederation
Virginia Plan
plan Madison proposed; bicameral, w/ representation based on population; 3 branches w/ lower house directly voted by the people
New Jersey Plan
plan Patterson proposed; unicameral, w/ representation based on equality; just a legislature w/ members appointed by states
Great Compromise
compromise; Representation in Congress; bicameral, w/ one having equal number of representatives for each state and one proportionate to size
3/5ths Compromise
compromise; Whether or not to include slaves in population; for the number of slaves in a state, add 3/5ths of that counted in population
separation of powers
division of power among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of gov
checks and balances
system that allows each branch of gov to limit the powers of the other branches to prevent abuse of power
3 branches of gov
executive, judicial, and legislative
supremacy clause
clause; gives Constitution and fed gov ultimate decision-making power
change to the Constitution
early Democrats; wanted a larger fed gov; wanted Constitution
early Republicans; wanted small fed gov; didn’t want the Constitution
federalist papers
foundational doc; argues for the Constitution; written by Madison, Hamilton, and Jay
Fed 10
foundational doc; Madison argues the danger of factions
Fed 51
foundational doc; argues the viability of a republic
Brutus 1
foundational doc; anti-federalist paper- argues against the Constitution; republican gov too large and Constitution gives the fed gov too much power
political group that tries to further their own interests
unitary system
type of gov; very strong central gov, power held by one person or a small group of people
federal system
type of gov; shared power between fed gov and the states
type of gov; very weak central gov, only has a legislative branch
expressed/enumerated powers
powers granted to the fed gov explicitly mentioned in the Constitution
exclusive powers
power granted to the fed gov only- not to the states
implied powers
power granted to the fed gov not explicitly mentioned in the constitution; elastic clause permits
inherent powers
power necessary to carry out fed sovereignty, such as expanding territory
commerce clause
clause; gives the fed gov power to regulate interstate trade
necessary and proper clause
clause; gives the fed gov power to pass laws that are inherent to being a government
10th amendment
foundational doc; reserved powers; gives any other power not explicitly to the fed gov to the states
reserved powers
power that is reserved for the states
concurrent powers
power that both fed gov and states have
full faith and credit clause
clause; states must recognize specific laws from other states such as licenses and marriage
states must return a defendant to the state in which the crime was committed
privileges and immunities clause
clause; states must not discriminate against visitors from other states
dual federalism
layer cake; fed and state gov roles clearly defined; state has more power
cooperative federalism
marble cake; fed and state gov roles are mixed, hard to tell where one ends and the other begins; fed has more power
grants in aid
manner in which the fed gov gives out money
fiscal federalism
pattern of spending, taxing, and providing grants in the fed system; cornerstone of gov relations w/ states
block grants
federal grant; given more or less automatically to states/communities to support broad programs; ex. community development/social services
categorical grants
federal grant; given to the states to be used for very specific programs; usually have strings attached
formula grants
categorical grant; given out according to a formula
project grants
categorical grant; awarded by merits of applicants for specific purposes; ex. National Science Foundation
orders from the fed gov to the states that they must complete
unfunded mandates
orders from the fed gov to the states that they must complete without federal funding
cross cutting requirements
using federal dollars in one program to influence state policy in another
crossover requirements
condition on one federal grant extended to all activities supported by federal funds; the same program affects itself
returning power to the states
Marbury v. Madison
foundational court case;