Unit 1 Flashcards
Suffering servant
The servant (the chosen one) mission is to bring God’s glory
suffering servant will:
- ordinary man
- deposed and rejected
-pierced crushed chastised and wounded
-did not protest or defend self
- death will be of a criminal , did no wrong
Importance of line of david
- term messiah was used to describe the person whom the jews expected, restore davinc age
- Jews expecting a kingly messiah who would deliver and restore the kingdom of Israel
Messianic secret
explains the failure of both the disciples and religious authorities to fully understand Jesus was the Messiah
Matthew’s proof text
- first dream of joseph
- herod magi and bethlehem
- second dream of joseph
- herod murder of the children
- third dream of joseph
first dream of joseph
religious experience angel vitst joseph to adopt child of own
proof text: a virgin will give birth to a son
son will be called immanuel
Herod, magi, bethlehem
Jesus was born in bethlehem
proof text: messiah would be born in bethlehem
second dream of joseph
jesus moved out of egypt for safety
OT: God called isreal (my son) out of egypt
Murder of the children
Massacre, King Herod orders soldiers to kill boys in Bethlehem under the age of 2 to protect his rule
brown- story is symbolic
Matthew links to weeping Rachel- represents all mothers crying for their sons
third dream of joseph
Messiah would be from nazareth
link: jesus went to live in nazareth
nazareth also means a branch, could mean a branch of a family tree
Greek culture and ideas spread to those into other societies, jews were hellenised
giving up material possessions
largest group
controlled religious affairs
believed in the written law and life after death
expected a prophetic messiah
priestly, wealthy class who controlled political affairs, rejected anything expect written law
expected a kingly messiah
nationalist who despised romans, believed in direct action to rid palestine of romans
monastic type of communities, established own rules and rejected the temple hierarchy
expected a priestly messiah
crucifixion was a roman tradition, jesus was crucified