Uinit 2 Flashcards
the world made of flesh
the trinity was a new concept, different to omni Gods and temporary in flesh deficits of hellenism
low christology , God fully human
Eternal life
zoe life is eternal, appears to more than an after life a present and superior kind of life
light and darkness
continuation of a concept with appears in dead sea scrolls, or prophesy had been witnesses to before
introduction to a prominent Gospel theme of spiritual blindness
believing in jesus
a concept which can be contrasted with belief about
believe in jesus to become a child of Hod
children of God
new interpretation, an intense spiritual religious experience, promoted ceremonies, infant and adult baptism
to become children of God believe in Jesus
flesh and sprit
God designs himself down in human form, low christology
Grace and truth
kindness from God is undeserved and cant be earned, gift from God
law gave humanity God’s moral demands could not do what christ does
replacement theology, the mosaic law relaxed with the grace and truth of jesus , it leaves behind chaos and confusion.
title messiah
messiah would fulfill the old testament prophecies about the messiah
son of God
title :old testament, roman emperor
meaning: king, angels, children of God, holy trinity, demi God
chalk he to jews: incarnation of God blasphemous
challenge to roman: political tensions
son of man
- the one jesus used the most (avoid political tension)
- jesus’ low christology
- jesus’ ipssima verba
- 85 times in NT
i am sayings
bread of life
light of the world
good shepherd
true vine
bread of life
replacement theology
could be satisfying spiritual hunger
people who eat this bread will get eternal life
light of the world
prologue them of light and darkness
illnesses is an opportunity to show God’s work and not a punishment
those who don’t believe in darkness of ignorance
good shepherd
jesus is the shepherd guiding people to the right place (enteral life), coming to earth to seek lost souls
true vine
God is the Gardner cutting away useless branches allowing remaining branches to grow- salvation, more chances can link to POE
turning water into wine
wine provides life altering religious experience and knowledge of God, salvation and children of God
Healing officers son
jesus reluctant to do it because of sign seekers “you people will never believe “
still saves officers son, eternal life as people will eventually die, jesus is giving eternal life
feeding of the 5000
replacement theology, jesus is able to give bread that won’t expire unlike moses, bread officers eternal life
walking on water
healing the blind man
links to i am the light of the world
blind man could be represented as ignorant people who want to be in the darkness , don’t believe in jesus
replacement theology, picking up sabbath against jewish law
raising lazarus from dead
eternal life, jesus will bring those who believe in him eternal life and a better life in heaven