Unit 1 Flashcards
Purpose of Incident Safety Officer (ISO)
To ensure the safety of all personnel
Uses a proactive and ongoing risk analysis
Identifies and mitigates hazards to personnel at any incident, planned event, or training exercise.
ISO’s place in the Incident Command System (ICS)
Member of the command staff
The attitudes and beliefs about something that are shared by a particular group of people
Safety Culture
Organizational atmosphere where safety and health are a high priority
Way safety is perceived, valued, prioritized and integrated in an orgs activities and ops
Overall reflection of the commitment to safety at all levels of the organization
ISO’s Role in Developing a Safety Culture
ISO must drive change by demonstrating their commitment to safety
Message must be consistent and sustained
When is an ISO designated?
At the time of the incident by the Incident Commander (IC)
NFPA 1521
Standard for Fire Department Safety Officer Professional Qualifications
Chapter 5 specifies 12 competencies of ISO
12 ISO Competencies According to NFPA 1521
- Meet Reqs of Fire Officer I (NFPA 1021)
- Perform role of ISO at an incident or planned event
- Manage the transfer and expansion of ISO duties as required
* **4. Stop, alter or suspend operations based on imminent threats to firefighters
* **5. Monitor and determine incident conditions and report to IC on the status of hazards and risks to members
* **6. Ensure implementation and use of accountability system
* **7. Determine Hazardous incident conditions and establish and maintain control zones - ID MVA hazards and ensure compliance with NFPA 1500
- Monitor communications so barriers are identified and corrective actions are implemented
- ID the incident strategic requirements for incident type and corresponding hazards. Also, ID the size, complexity and duration of the incident so that the ISO can expand the scope as needed with assistants and technical specialists
- Determine hazards associated with designation of landing zone and interface with helicopters so that special reqs for aircraft safety can be utilized
- Notify IC of the need for intervention resulting from occupational exposure to stressful events so that psychological health and safety can be protected
NFPA 1021
Standards for Fire Officer I
NFPA 1500
Standard on Fire Dept. Occupational Safety, Health and Wellness Program
Purpose of ISO Investigation
- Prevent recurrence
- Fact finding
- What happened?
- Determine root cause
- Determine preventability
ISO’s Role in Investigations
- Applicable dept procedures are ID’d for review
- Critical incident data elements are collected
- Gather information
- Document and prepare information for Health and Safety Officer (HSO) or other designated person to continue investigation
- ID potential witnesses
- Chain of evidence is started and maintained
Responsibilities of ISO
- Monitors operations
- Advises IC or Unified Command on all matters relating to operational safety
- Performs ongoing assessments
- Implements general safety measures
- Reviews ICS Form 206, Medical Plan
- Has emergency authority to stop and/or prevent unsafe acts during operations
- ID’s and mitigates hazardous situations
- Prepares safety briefings, using ICS Form 215A, Incident Action Plan Safety Analysis
* **9. Stops and prevents unsafe acts - Review Incident Action Plan (IAP)
- Assigns assistants as needed
- Initiates investigations of accidents within incident area
- Participates in planning meetings
ISO’s Scope
- Most agencies have ISO w/ limited scope
- Needed for structure fires
- Needs to address safety for special operations
- Must be credentialed for incidents that they perform a safety role
Health and Safety Program Managers/Health and Safety Officers (HSPM/HSO)
Individual assigned and authorized by the Fire Chief as the manager of the health and safety program
Produces the safety groundwork used by fire departments at incidents
- Safety standards
- SOPs
- Training
- Health and fitness
Health and Safety Program Manager was created to help establish and maintain organizations compliance with…
NFPA 1500
Key HSPM Functions
- Development, implementation and management of risk management plan for agency
- Development, implementation and management of Occupational Safety and Health Program
- May be designated as ISO at incidents
Relationship between HSPM and ISO
- ISO duties mostly on scene
- HSPM works generally pre emergency and post emergency
- Both focus on responder safety
- Partnership on scene and on investigations