Unit 02: Elicited Behaviour, Habituation, and Sensitization Flashcards
What is the difference between a modal action pattern and a simple general reflex?
1) a simple general reflex is a behavior that can occur throughout many different species
2) a MAP is a sequence of responses that are exhibited by individuals w/in the same species
How do habituation and sensitization effects differ?
1) habituation effect: the reduction of response to repeated stimuli
2) sensitization effect: an increase in vigor of a response to a stimulus
what is the dual-process theory?
the idea that repeatedly exposed stimuli is dependent on the net summation of the habituation and sensitization effects
what is the opponent-process theory of motivation?
a theory that suggests that emotional reactions are biphasic so they have a primary reaction followed by a secondary opposite reaction as a means to maintain homeostasis
explain the 2 types of processes of the opponent-process theory of motivation
1) primary/a process: presentation of an emotion-arousing stimulus
2) secondary/process: the opposite emotional reaction triggered by process a
what are the 2 types of social interaction behavior wrt breastfeeding?
1) the fact that newborns automatically suck on any nipple like the shaped object placed near their mouth
2) milk-letdown reflex that elicits the release of milk during feeding time or when baby cries due to hunger
what is a sign stimulus?
when a feature of an object elicits a MAP, a general response pattern common to most individuals w/in the same species
what is a MAP?
modal action pattern that demonstrates a common behavior between most members of the same species
what is the difference between appetitive and consummatory behavior?
1) appetitive behavior: early in a natural behavior sequence that serves to bring the organism closer to a general response pattern common w/in the same species
2) consummatory behavior: a behavior that serves to bring a natural sequence of behaviors to its conclusion
what is a releasing stimulus?
when a feature of an object elicits a MAP, a general response pattern common to most individuals w/in the same species
what are the 3 modes of the feeding behavior sequence? Which ones are appetitive and which ones are consummatory behaviors?
1) general search mode: the organism searches for a general area that may contain their target food, associated with appetitive behaviour
2) focal search mode: organism specifies its search location of that food, associated w/ appetitive behavior
3) food handling and ingestion mode: organism handles and consumes the food, associated with consummatory behavior
what is the startle response?
a defense reaction to a potential threat
how does the startle response relate to the sensitization effect?
it is a salient stimulus that results in spontaneous recovery as long as there is a break in exposure after signs of the habituation effect have occurred
what is a spontaneous recovery wrt habituation responses
when a response returns back to its baseline excitatory state as a result of a break-in exposure
what is the difference between habituation, sensory adaptation, and response fatigue
1) habitation is a reduced response due to the repeated exposure of a stimulus
2) sensory adaptation is a temporary reduction of sensitivity in sense organs due to repeated exposure
3) response fatigue is a temporary reduction of behavior caused by repeated use of a muscle