Unions Flashcards
The Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (Landrum-Griffin Act) (1959)
- outlines procedures for internal union problem resolution, protects union members from corrupt or discriminatory labor unions and applies to all labor organizations
- states that all union elections must be secret
- establishes that unions must have a bill of rights for union members, including free speech
- no communists, ex-convicts can hold office in unions
- union officials have a fiduciary responsibility to union
- minimum standards for union disciplinary action against its members are provided
- union power to place subordinate organizations in trusteeship is limited
- annual financing reporting from unions to the Department of Labor are required
The Labor-Management Relations Act (LMRA) - Taft-Harley Act (1947)
- prohobits unfair labor practices by unions
- outlaws closed shops (must be union member to get a job at a company)
- requires both parties to bargain in good faith
- covers nonmanagement employees in private sector who are not covered by Railway Labor Act
Railway Labor Act
- grants railroad employees the right to form unions and collectively bargain for fair wages
- Major issues like wages, labor conditions - solved via CBA negotiation and mediation
- NRAB (National Railroad Adjustment Board) oversees minor disputes - disputes stemming from interpretation of CBA
- later amended to include airline workers
National Labor Relations Act - Wagner Act (1935) NLRA
provided that employees have a right to form unions and negotiate wage and hour issues with employers on behalf of the union
- employees have the right to organize, join unions, and engage in collective bargaining and other “concerted activities”
- protects against all unfair labor practices by employers
- established NLRB - National Labor Relations Board- which helped define fair labor practices by either management or labor unions
- employers must bargain in good faith
- unions must represent all members equally
- covers non-management employees in private industry who are not already covered by Railway Labor Act
Norris-LaGuardia Act (1932)
- Prohibits “yellow dog” contracts - employees sign a contract/make a promise to employers not to join a union
- prohibited federal courts from issuing injunctions of any kind against peaceful strikes, boycotts, or picketing when used by a union in connection with a labor dispute
- defined labor dispute to include any disagreement about working conditions