Unified Land Operations Flashcards
What is the Army’s contribution to Joint Operations?
Reference: ADP 3-0, 3-1
The Army’s Operational Concept:
Unified Land Operations
Unified Land Operations are…
Reference: ADP 3-0, 3-1
- is the simultaneous execution of:
- offense/defense/stability/DSCA
- across multiple domains to shape:
- operational environments
- prevent conflict
- prevail in large-scale ground combat
- consolidate gains as part of unified action.
Decisive Action is…
Reference: ADP 3-0, 3-3
the continuous, simultaneous execution of
offensive, defensive, and stability operations,
or defense support of civil authority tasks.
Guided by Mission Command (approach)
Mission Command (approach) is…
References: ADP 3-0, 3-38
…the Army’s approach to Command & Control that empowers decision making and decentralized execution appropriate to the situation.
Decisive Action: Offensive
Reference: ADP 3-0, 3-12
is an operation to defeat or destroy enemy forces and gain control of terrain, resources, and population centers.
Decisive Action: Defensive
Reference: ADP 3-0, 3-13
operation to defeat an enemy attack, gain time, economize forces, and develop conditions favorable for
offensive or stability operations.
Decisive Action: Stability
Reference: ADP 3-0, 3-14
operation conducted outside the United States in coordination with other instruments of national power to:
- establish or maintain a secure environment and provide essential governmental services,
- emergency infrastructure reconstruction, and humanitarian relief.
These operations support governance by a host nation, an interim government, or a military government.
Purposes of Offensive operations:
Dislocate, isolate, disrupt, and destroy enemy forces.
Seize key terrain.
Deprive the enemy of resources.
Refine intelligence.
Deceive and divert the enemy.
Provide a secure environment for stability tasks.
Types of decisive offensive operations
- Movement to contact.
- Attack.
- Exploitation.
- Pursuit.
Types of Defensive Operations
Mobile defense.
Area defense.
Purpose of Defensive Operations
Deter or defeat enemy offense.
Gain time.
Achieve economy of force.
Retain key terrain.
Protect the population, critical assets, and
Refine intelligence.
Stability Operations Tasks
Establish civil security.
Establish civil control.
Restore essential services.
Support to governance.
Support to economic and infrastructure development.
Conduct security cooperation.
Purpose of Stability Operations Tasks:
Provide a secure environment.
Secure land areas.
Meet the critical needs of the population.
Gain support for host-nation government.
Shape the environment for interagency and host-nation success.
Promote security, build partner capacity, and provide access.
Refine intelligence.
Defense Support of Civil Authorities Tasks:
Provide support for domestic disasters.
Provide support for domestic chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear incidents.
Provide support for domestic civilian law enforcement agencies.
Provide other designated support.
Purpose of Stability Operations Tasks
Provide a secure environment.
Secure land areas.
Meet the critical needs of the population.
Gain support for host-nation government.
Shape the environment for interagency and host-nation success.
Promote security, build partner capacity, and provide access.
Refine intelligence.
Purpose of Defense Support of Civil Authorities Tasks
Save lives.
Restore essential services.
Maintain or restore law and order.
Protect infrastructure and property.
Support maintenance or restoration of local government.
Shape the environment for intergovernmental success.