Unidad ocho supposedly final :O Flashcards
Verbs: to be passionate (by/with), to mention, to give oneself/grow, to feel like, to make oneself, to hasten/hurry along (Irregular?)
Verbos: apasionarse (por/con), mencionar, darse, antojarse, hacerse, apresurar (Irregulares: di, har-)
Verbs: jump, smell, present, influence, train, cease (Irregular?)
Verbos: saltar, oler, presentar, influir, entrenar, cesar (Irregulares: huelo, influyo)
Words: taste, unusual, discipline, tool, meditation, well-being, busy, solutions, endless.
Palabras: el gusto, inusual, la disciplina, herramienta, la meditación, el bienestar, ajetreado, las soluciones, interminable.
Words: the calm, the internal, harmony, extremely, weekly, only, the court, the ski slope, the ball
Palabras: la calma, la interna, armonía, sumamente, semenal, solamente, la cancha, la pista esqui, el balón
Words/phrases: the ball, the gym, the equipment, the tournament, the popularity. While, at the same time, don’t worry, you/her being.
Palabras/frases: la pelota, el gimnasio, la equipamiento, el torneo, la popularidad. Si bien, al paso, no te preocupes, tu/su ser.