Underwriting Property and Liability Insurance Flashcards
Frame construction
A class of construction that has load-bearing components made of wood or other combustible materials such as brick or stone veneer
Joisted masonry construction
A class of construction that has load-bearing exterior walls made of brick, adobe, concrete, gypsum, stone, tile, or similar materials’ that has floors and roofs of combustible materials; and that has a fire-resistance rating of at lest one hour
Mill construction
A sub classification of joisted masonry construction that uses heavy timber for columns, beams, supports, and ties; has a minimum two-hour fire-resistance rating on bearing walls; and has an absence of floor joists
Noncombustible construction
A class of construction in which the exterior walls, floor, and roof of a building are constructed of, and supported by, metal, gypsum, or other noncombustible materials
Masonry noncombustible construction
Masonry construction or construction that includes exterior walls of fire-resistive construction with a fire-resistance rating of not lass than one hour
Modified fire-resistive construction
A class of construction that has exterior walls, floors, and roofs of masonry or other fire-resistive material with a fire-resistance rating of at one to two hours
Fire-resistive construction
A class of construction that has exterior walls, floors, and roofs of masonry or other fire-resitive material with a fire resistance-rating of at least two hours
Fuel load (fire load)
The expect maximum amount of combustible material in a given area of a building, including both structural elements and contents, commonly expressed in terms of weight of combustibles per square foot
Fire division
A section of a structure so well protected that fire cannot spread from that section to another, or vice versa
Fire wall
A floor-to-roof wall made of noncombustible materials and having no open doors, windows, or other spaced through which fire can pass
A vertical extension of a fire wall that extends above a roofline
Building codes
Local ordinances or state statutes that regulate the construction of building within a municipality, country, or state
The type or character of use of the property in question
Special hazards of the class
A characteristic typical of all occupancies in a given class that can cause or aggravate a loss. An example is the hazard of cooking, common to the restaurant class
Special hazards of the risk
A condition that can cause a loss but that is not typical of an occupancy. An example is the use of a welding torch in an auto repair shop
Measures taken to prevent or reduce the damage done by fire