Understanding Student Learning Flashcards
“Learning is the acquisition of new behavior or the strengthening or weakening of old behavior.”
Henry Smith, 1962
The term “_____” covers every modification in behavior to meet environmental requirements. -_____, 1968
learning, Gardner Murphy
Provide a basis to understand how people learn and a way to explain, describe, analyze, and predict learning
Learning theories
Help educators make more informed decisions around the design, development, and delivery of learning
Learning theories
Describe how students absorb, process, and retain knowledge during learning
Learning theories
Caused by an external stimulus, thus, this theory focuses on learner’s observable behaviors
Behaviorism (Skinner)
Lecture-based, highly-structured, and entails rewards and punishments
Behaviorism (Skinner)
Critiques of this theory regard it as passive and teacher-centric, one size fits all, knowledge is spoon-fed and absolute, it involves programmed instruction and entails teacher-proofing, it does not account for processes that take place in the learner’s mind, and which cannot be observed
Behaviorism (Skinner)
Behaviorism operates on a principles of “_____”
Combination of stimuli to produce a response
Classical conditioning (Pavlov)
consequences lead to changes in voluntary behavior; it is about reinforcement & punishment
Operant conditioning (Skinner)
Came about in response to behaviorism where learning involves storing and connecting symbols in a meaningful and memorable way
Cognitivism (Piaget & Bruner)
Characterized by inquiry-based oriented projects, opportunities for testing hypotheses so curiously is highly encouraged, and learning involves stage scaffolding
Cognitivism (Piaget & Bruner)
Knowledge itself is also given as absolute and therefore may not account for individuality
Cognitivism (Piaget & Bruner)
Little emphasis on the affective aspect of learning and therefore, and is also described as mechanistic and deterministic
Cognitivism (Piaget & Bruner)
Argues that the black box of the mind should be opened and understood
Cognitivism (Piaget & Bruner)
In cognitivism, learners are viewed as _____
An information processor; like a computer
Focused on the mental processes that facilitate symbol connection
Cognitivism account enough for individuality. It puts little emphasis on affective characteristics.
Which statement is true?
2nd statement. Cognitivism DOES NOT account enough for individuality
An inquiry-based, constructivist learning theory that takes place in problem solving situations
Discovery learning (Bruner)
Learners draws on his or her own past experience and existing knowledge to discover facts and relationships and new truths to be learned
Discovery learning (Bruner)
Students may be more likely to remember concepts and knowledge discovered on their own
Discovery learning (Bruner)
expository, narrative, skimming, graphic organizer
Advance organizers of mearningful verbal learning
Grew out of cognitivism where learning takes place through observations and sensorial experience
Social Learning Theory (Bandura)
Critics say that this learning theory does not take into the account the individuality of the learner, the context, and the experience
Social Learning Theory (Bandura)
Students become passive receivers of sensory stimuli and emotions and motivations are not considered important or connected to learning
Social Learning Theory (Bandura)
What is the focus of social learning theory by Bandura?
Observational and sensorial experiences
In the social learning theory, ______ is the sincerest form of flattery
“What the children sees in the media, the children does.”
Social learning theory (Bandura)
Knowledge is actively constructed; framed around metacognition
Constructivism (Vygostky)
Learners are not considered as empty vessels as in the passive view of teaching but are regarded as actively engaged learners who make meaningful connections between and among previous knowledge, becomes the responsibility of the learner
Constructivism (Vygostky)
Constructivism may only promote group learning and ignore the individual rights of learners. Learners are unguided or minimally guided and so may feel lost or frustrated in this learning theory.
Which statement is true?
Assert that learners construct knowledge rather than acquire new knowledge and therefore, learning becomes an active process throughout the learners’ experiences and the environment in which they are learning
Constructivism (Vygostky)
Examples of constructivism by Vygostky
o Journaling
o Experiential activities
o Personal focus
o Collaborative & cooperative learning
This learning theory enables learners to leverage their strengths, recognizes, addresses, and develops their weaknesses
Multiple Intelligences
What does multiple intelligence lack according to its critics?
Empirical support
The ability to mentally visualize objects and spatial dimensions
Refers to a person’s ability to reason, solve problems, and learn using language
Visual linguistic
The ability to communicate effectively with other people and to be able to develop relationships
The ability to understand one’s own emotions, motivations, inner states of being, and self-reflection
Inductive, deductive thinking and reasoning abilities, logic, as well as the use of numbers and abstract pattern recognition
The ability to master music as well as rhythms, tones, and beats
Musical rythmic