Understanding Social Inequalities Flashcards
Gender Inequalities
Horizontal Segregation+Vertical Segregation
-Horizontal-Men and Women dominate different sectors of employment.Women are much more likely to work in low-paid sectors like healthcare.
-Vertical-Male+Females dominate different levels of jobs within the labour market in terms of power,status,skill and pay.
Glass ceiling
-Women experience an unacknowledged barrier that stops them moving up the promotion ladder.
Concrete Ceiling
-Barriers to promotion in employment for women from Ethnic Minorities are much tougher to break than glass ceiling.
-Middle Management is restricted.
Silver Ceiling
-Informal and unacknowledged barrier to promotion or advancement in employment,for middle-aged and elderly people.
Triple Shift
(Dunscombe & Marsden)
-Many women have triple responsibilities:Work Full-Time,mainly responsible for Domestic Work and Emotional Well-being of Partner and Children.
Lagged Adaptation
-Men are slow to adapt to Social Change,Taking Equal Responsibility for Domestic Labour now Women Work Full-Time.
Sandwich Generation
(Henrietta & Grundy)
-Older Middle-Aged people have taken in caring for older relatives whilst having some responsibility for adult children.
Reserve Army Of Labour
-As women are more likely to have Children+Work Part-Time.
-Economic Boom=Hired.
-Economic Recession=Fired.
Dual Labour Market Theory
(Barron & Norris)
-Economy is Divided into Two Sectors:
-1.High status,Primary Sector made up of secure,well-paid jobs-Dominated by White men.
-2.Low status,Secondary Sector,Low skilled,part-time-Dominated by Women.
Cycle of Deprivation
-New Right Concept.
-‘Poor Breed The Poor’
Crisis In Masculinity
(Max An Ghaill)
-Young Males have become increasingly uncertain about masculine identity and rules due to the decline of traditional male jobs in the manufacturing industry.
Seismic Cultural Change in women’s attitudes ,with a greater willingness to priorities their education and career over a family.
Glass cellar Effect
-Men dominate the lowest ranked jobs,which are often poorly paid,have little job security and have health implications.
-Men dominate 24 out of the 25 lowest ranked jobs.
Patriarchal Terrorism
-A Crisis in Masculinity has led to some men using patriarchal terrorism in the form of violence,sexual aggression and economic subordination against women to control them and maintain their domination.
Status Frustration
-Juvenile delinquency is caused by a strain between cultural goals (Values) and the Institutional Means (Norms) of achieving them.
Second Sexism
-Men are now more likely than women to be the victims of negative attitudes+discrimination.
Complicit Masculinity
-This type of Masculinity is associated with domesticity and involves sharing the household responsibilities.
Chivalry thesis
-This suggested a paternalistic attitude existed within the male dominated criminal system towards women,which can lead to female offenders receiving more lenient treatment.
-22.7 Months compared to 14.5 Months for Females.
Misogyny & Gendered Cyberhate
-Growing trend of unacceptable sexualised behaviour that has become normalised by society, including catcalling+ other seemingly casual harassment.
-Digital forms of communication have given women greater levels of empowerment. (Cochrane)
-Whereby the presence means that their voices are no longer muted and this has led to social+legal change.
Instrumental v Expressive Roles
-Men+Women have separate social roles that are based on biological differences,which help to maintain social order/stability.
Human Capital Theory
-Sees Human Capital as Knowledge,Competency,Attitude and Behaviour embedded in a person.
-Used to support Functionalist views on Meritocracy.
-Men and Women serve different roles and functions in society and so are rewarded differently.
Criticisms of Functionalist views on Gender Inequalities
-(Olsen & Walby)-Argue that the main cause of women’s low pay is ‘systematic disadvantage in acquiring human capital’
-Liberal Feminists such as (Oakley)-Argue that gender roles are socially constructed rather than biological.
Return to Nuclear Family
New Right
-Concerned that changes in gender roles related to family diversity,such as the increase in lone-parent families,dual career families and same sex families,have led to social problems.
-Children who live in lone-parent families lead by women miss out on the clearly defined roles of the father as the breadwinner+disciplinarian.
Criticism of New Right Perspective on Gender Inequalities
-Seen as Dated as it ignored the increasing numbers of people who choose to adopt non-traditional gender roles (complicit masc) and report these as positive experiences.
Ownership of Private Property
-Women are controlled by Capitalism to ensure private property+ wealth in wealthy families could be efficiently handed down the male line.
-(Engles)-Claimed that Nuclear Family oppresses women,reducing them to their single role of child-making.
Social Closure-Old Boy’s Network
-Used to describe the exclusion of some people from membership of certain status groups,as a result of a lack of social+ business connections acquired through the ‘Old Boy’s Network’
Criticisms of Weberianisms perspective on Gender Inequalities
-Evidence suggest that Social Closure is dwindling.
Preference Theory
-Women’s Rational Choice to prioritise being a mother over a career.(Hakim)
-Marriage+Motherhood can be difficult but this is most fulfilling for women.(Schlafly)
-Lack of women in top jobs and domination of part-time jobs does not reflect employer discrimination,weak laws.
Criticism of Postmodern View on Gender Inequalities
-Ignored the power of patriarch to subordinate and oppress women.
Social Class Inequalities
Theoretical Viewpoints on Poverty
Consensus (+)
-Functionalism=(Gans)-Low paid workers help boost the Economy.Threat of Poverty motivates people to do dangerous and unpleasant jobs.
-New Right=(Murray)-Culture of Poverty exists whereby individuals rely on benefits and choose not to work,with the ethos passed on from generation to generation
Theoretical Viewpoint on Poverty
Conflict (-)
-Marxist=(Marx)-Bourgeoisie exploit the poor through paying them low wages on zero-hour contracts to increase profits.
-Advertising leads to desire to buy material possessions that some cannot afford.
-Globalisation led to unemployment with companies relocating to save labour costs.
-Feminist=(Abott)-Women more likely to live in poverty due to men getting the best jobs, with women facing a glass ceiling as a result of motherhood.
Social Class+Life Chances
Cultural capital and Immediate v Deferred Gratification (Bourdieu)
Labelling and Setting (Keddie)
-Marxist Bourdieu argues that Upper+Middle Class children’s parents in the UK possess more Cultural Capital;more likely to Hold+Share Attitudes which help children succeed in Education.
-Working-Class pupils can feel Marginalised+looked down upon by teachers.May be labelling and stereotyped negatively.
-Advantages students are 25x more likely than disadvantaged peers to be accepted and placed on a medicine course at uni.
Social Class+Life Chances
Benefits (Welfare System) (Murray)
Cultural Capital and Immediate v Deferred Gratification (Bourdieu)
-(Murray)-Argues that providing Benefits to unemployed people has created a Dependency Culture, and people being not being motivated to better themselves and fine paid work.
-(Bourdieu)-Upper+Middle Class students parents Hold+Share Attitudes which help their children succeed in Education.
-In the Uk the richest 10% of households hold 52% of all wealth
-Currently,22% of people in the UK live in poverty.
Social Class+Life Chances
Meritocracy (Davis & Moore)
Minimum Wage (Marx)
-Davis & Moore argue that unequal rewards are actually beneficial to society as they ensure that those with talent are encouraged to work hard and use their abilities.
-The bourgeoisie deliberately keep pay low for the proletariat in order to increase their profits.
-2/10 Work Age Adults live in Poverty.
-The Poverty Rate for Part-Time workers is 20% (JRF)
Social Class+Life Chances
Upper Class Status (Goldstraw-White)
-Poor people are easier targets,and therefore more likely to be victims of crime,than the wealthy who are likely to have better security.
-Upper Class individuals who commit crime are able to use status+power resulting from their high social class to cover up their offences+to escape arrest and conviction.
-74% of the Prison Population is drawn from the Poorest 20% of the Population.
-The unemployed are more than 2x more likely to be burgled as the average house.
Social Class+Life Chances
Consumer Culture (Skeggs)
Media Usage (Mertens & D’haenens)
-Constant media focus on the lifestyle of wealthy celebs has led to a growth in consumer culture,whereby WC individuals rather than saving and investing immediately spend any income earnt.
-Those from WC backgrounds tend to use digital communication for the purpose of entertainment while MC users do so for education and to accumulate information -gathering knowledge.
Social Inequalities
Functionalist Theories
Value Consensus (Parsons) and Role Allocation (Davis and Moore)
-There is an agreement in society that stratification is beneficial to society because it gives people to occupation roles that suits their abilities,some members are deserving of greater rewards.
-Criticism-(Tumin)-The pay of some jobs reflects their power rather than an agreement that they deserve it.
Social Inequalities
Functionalist Theory
Meritocracy (Davis & Moore)
-Society is based on Meritocracy and status is ‘Achieved’ through hard work and effort.
-Unequal Rewards act as Incentives to make sacrifices to achieve more.
-Criticism-(Tumin)-Assumes that only monetary rewards motivate people to do demanding jobs.
Social Class Inequalities
Functionalist Theory
Functional Uniqueness & degree of dependence (Davis & Moore)
-The most important positions within society are determined by their functional uniqueness and their degree of dependence on others.
-More Functional Uniqueness=More Rewards to Motivate people.
-Criticism-(Tumin)-There are many occupations that are not highly rewarded that can be seen as functionally essential to running of society.
Social Inequalities
Marxist Theory
Dependency Culture & Development of an Underclass-Cycle of Deprivation (Murray)
-Suggests that the welfare system+providing benefits to unemployed people has created a Dependency Culture, people don’t want to work.
-This has led to the development of a underclass,children in Underclass Families are poorly Socialised and allowed to Underachieve at school.
-Criticism-(Young)-Sociology of Vindictiveness-Poor are not work-shy ,and only a minority have the attitude described by (Murray)
Social Inequalities
Marxist Theory
Infrastructure and Surplus Value (Marx)
-Societies are structured to benefit capitalism,whereby the bourgeoisie who own the means of production,exploit the proletariat by keeping wages low+ asking them to work long hours to increase profits.
Social Inequalities
Marxist Theory
Cultural,Economic and Social Capital (Bourdieu)
-Cultural-Upper+Middle-Class parents are more likely to hold+share attitudes that help their children succeed in Education.
-Economic-MC can afford private Education and tutoring.This Opportunity enables them to develop Social Capital-Old Boy’s Network.
Social Class Inequalities
Marxist Theory
Ruling Class Ideology-False Class Consciousness (Marx)
ISA v RSA (Althusser)
-The Bourgeoisie exploit the Proletariat by spreading their ideas and values,which benefits Capitalism,through Agents Of Socialisation.
-The Proletariat are deceived by the Superstructure into believing that class stratification found in Capitalist Societies is fair,and thus accepting Oppression through transmission of Ruling Class Ideology.
-If people do not conform to the ISA,the ruling class used Repressive State Apparatus (RSA) to directly control the proletariat.
Criticisms of Marxist Viewpoint on Social Class Inequalities
-Dismisses the WC as Cultural Dopes brainwashed by Capitalist Ideology.
-Many of the WC have Dual Consciousness (Gramsci) and to some degree are aware of inequalities and injustices of Capitalism.
Social Inequalities
Weberianist Theory
Dual Labour Market Theory
(Barron & Norris)
-Economy is divided into two sectors:
-1.High status,Primary Sector made up of secure, well-paid jobs-Dominated by White Men.
-2.Low Status,Secondary Sector-Dominated by Women+Ethnic Minorities.
Social Inequalities
Weberianist Theory
Market Situation & Status (Weber)
-Defined a Social Class as a group who share a similar Market Situation.
-An individual has an ability to attract higher rewards; if they have a skill set, which is essential but in short supply,as they command an advantageous Market Position=More status.
Social Class Inequalities
Weberianist Theory
Party (Weber)
-Groups of Individuals who have the power to influence decisions.
-They can be Political or have a certain motive such as Pressure Groups.
Criticisms of Weberianist Viewpoint on Social Class Inequalities
-Marxists argue that Class+Status are strongly linked because the Capitalist Class has Status+Power since it Monopolises Wealth+Income,because of its Social Class Position.
Ethnicity+Life Chances
Pro-School Ethos (Bhatti)
Low Expectations (Sewell)
-(Bhatti)-Superior levels of Educational Achievement by Chinese+Indian students is due to Pro-School Ethos.Labelled as ‘Ideal’ student by teachers.
-(Sewell)-Argues that African-Caribbean boys see Entrepreneurship or ‘Hustling’ as well as Masculinity as more important than Academic Achievement.Consequently,British Teachers have low expectations of African-Caribbean boys,and treat them more unfairly and harshly in the classroom.
-Chinese(66) and Indian(63) strident an are outperforming (48) in school,with
higher attainment 8 scores.
-4.4% of Headteachers in state funded schools whose ethnicity is known are from Minority Ethnic Groups.
Ethnicity+Life Chances
Family & Health
Material Disadvantage (Rex and Tomlinson)
Black Underclass and Absence of Fathers
-Differences in Income leads to Ethnic Minorities forming a Underclass beneath the White Working Class as they experience Material Disadvantage within the Labour Market,which leads to poverty+social exclusion.
-Argue that the increase in Black Single-Mothers due to having children when unmarried had led to a dependency on Benefits and formation of a Black Underclass.
-14% of all homeless households were Black.
Ethnicity+Life Chances
Ethnic Penalty (Heath & Cheung)
Concrete Ceiling (Davidson)
-Pakistani,Bangladeshi,Black Caribbean and Black African men continue to experience higher unemployment rates and lower hourly earnings than members of the comparison group of British+Other White Groups.
-There is evidence that some Ethnic Minority graduates,particularly women,are finding it harder to gain higher-level positions in their occupations.
-The unemployment level of White people in the Uk is 3% but 6% for people from a BAME background (ONS)
-Ethnic Minorities generally earn lower incomes than White People.The Ethnicity pay gap is currently 25.8% (ONS)
Ethnicity & Life Chances
‘Driving while Black’ (Townsley and Marshall)
Institutional racism (Hood)
-(Townsley and Marshall)-Through their research,they found that cars being driven by young black peoples were much more likely to be stopped and searched.
-(Hood)-The courts are guilty of Institutional Racism with regards to the sentencing of Black people-More likely to be imprisoned,found guilty and longer sentences.
-18% of prisoners in England+Wales are Muslim.Compared with 7% of Population.
-Black people are 2.4x more likely to be arrested as a white people.
Ethnicity+Life Chances
Media Representations (Van Dijk)
Climate of Islamophobia (Abbas)
-(Van Dijk)-Mass Media Stereotyping of young Black African-American males as Criminal,Unimportant and a threat.This can create a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.
-(Abbas)-Negative Stereotypes are evident towards Muslims.Fears about Radicalism+Extremism that is exaggerated by the Media.
Ethnic Inequalities
Functionalist Theory
Host Immigration Model (Patterson)
-Arrival of Immigrants in the 1950’s led to a culture clash over Norms+Values with subsequent inequalities caused by the Host Country acting fearful and displaying resentment, as well as immigrants failing to assimilate into Host Culture.
-Immigrants need to go through 3 step prices to remove inequalities-1.Accommodation
Ethnic Inequalities
Functionalist Theory
Meritocracy (Parsons)
-(Parsons)-suggests that dorm Minority Ethnic Groups,such as those of Indian and Chinese Origin,do better in Education and are also more likely to enter professional occupations than any other ethnic groups.
-Criticism-Cultural Explanations surrounding Meritocracy are often accused of ‘blaming the victim’ for their own Discriminatory Treatment.
Ethnic Inequalities
New Right Theory
Black Underclass (Murray)
-Increase in single-mothers due to having children unmarried has led to a Dependency on Benefits and the Formation of a Black Underclass.
-Criticism-Blames people for their own poverty predicament.Poverty is not caused by welfare dependency but by Economic and Global factors.
Ethnic Inequalities
Fallacy of Ethnic Absolutism (Gilroy)
-This is The Assumption that Ethnic Cultures are ‘Fixed’ and final.
-Gilroy contends that Cultured are dynamic and diverse,not static or homogenous.They are continuously evolving and are affected by social context.
Ethnic Inequalities
New Right Theory
Cultural Comfort Zones (Sewell)
-In peer groups,we like to associate with those who are like ourselves,Eg. Gender,Class and Ethnicity.
-Criticism-Turning inwards and living in the same areas is a rational response to the racial prejudice and discrimination they face
Ethnic Inequalities
New Right Theory
Triple Quandary Theory (Sewell)
-Three factors to blame for Ethnic Inequalities faced by young African-Caribbean boys:
-1.Families failing their boys because they lack fathers-Absent Fathers.
-2.Failure of Society to combat Institutional Racisms
-3.Media Culture,which celebrates individualism,hyper-masculinity and materialism.
-Criticism-Criticised for blaming African-Caribbeans for the Inequalities that they experience.
Ethnic Inequalities
Marxist Theory
Reserve Army of Labour (Castles & Kosack)
-Ethnic Minorities act as a Surplus Labour,Hired during Boom and fired during Recessions.
-Allows the Ruling Class to keep cost of wages down+increase their Surplus Value.
-Criticism-Theory is Outdated.Many Changes Since 1950’s
Ethnic Inequalities
Marxist Theory
Strike Breakers (Cox)
-Black people were excluded from Trade Unions but used as Strike Breakers in the form of a replacement workforce at lower pay
-Racism is Socially Constructed by those who control the means of production (Bourgeoisie) to exploit the less powerful groups (proletariat).
-Criticism-(Cox’s) view is too simplistic;it has been labelled ‘race blind’
Ethnic Inequalities
Weberianist Theory
Dual Labour Market Theory (Barron & Norris)
-Distribution of Ethnic Minorities in the Labour Force created Inequality ,with many tending to be employed within the Secondary Labour Market.
-1/8 Taxi Drivers in the UK come from Pakistani backgrounds.
-Criticism-Ignores some Minorities in Crucial Primary Labour Market Positions.Pro-School Ethos (Bhatti)
Ethnic Inequalities
Weberianist Theory
Material Disadvantage (Rex and Tomlinson)
-Ethnic Minorities form a Underclass beneath the White Working Class as they Experience Material Disadvantage in regards to Labour Market,Education and Housing.
-Criticism-Overemphasis Ethnic Minority Groups as Passive Victims of Racism.
Ethnic Inequalities
Weberianist Theory
Racialised Class Fractions (Miles)
-These have occurred due to the White Majority treating Ethnic Minorities as Culturally Different,displaying Prejudice+Discrimination.
-Ethnic Minorities turn inwards by observing their Cultural+Religious Traditions overtly.
-Criticism-Criticised by Postmodernists by overlooking increasing Cultural Diversity,and improved Cooperation in the sharing of Cultural Norms+Values.
Ethnic Inequalities
Weberianist Theory
Status and Party (Weber)
-The White Majority have Greater Power over Ethnic Minorities and attempt to exclude them from Positions of Privilege.
-Trade Unions are generally White Dominated,and have been accused of favouring White Workers.
-Criticism-Overlooks possible Cooperation between both groups.
Ethnic Inequalities
Feminist Theory
Double Colonisation (Peterson & Rutherford)
-Feminists analyses of gender inequality fail to consider ‘Double Colonisation’
-BAME women are doubly oppressed by Patriarchy and Ethnocentrism of White Middle-Class that ignored or neglects the Unique Problems faced by BAME women.
-Criticism-By focusing on intersection of Ethnicity and Gender,Postcolonial and Black Feminists have been accused of Undermining the Importance of Both Racism+Patriarchy as separate Oppressive Structures.
Ethnic Inequalities
Feminist Theory
Black Nationalism (Hooks)
-Black women are marginalised in Civil Rights Campaigns.
-When Black people are talked about the focus tends to be in Black men;and when women are talked about the focus tends to be on White Women.
Ethnic Inequalities
Feminist Theory
Sexual Representations (Collins)
-Black women are oppressed by the Media.
-Young Black Women are portrayed in overtly Sexualised ways.
Ethnic Inequalities
Feminist Theory
Concrete Ceiling (Davidson;Li)
-Believe that Barriers to Promotion in Employment for Women from Ethnic Minorities are much tougher to break through than the Glass Ceiling.
-(Li) found that many Muslim Women removed their Hijabs or adapted their names to make them sound more English.
-Criticism-Some Evidence exists that the Concrete Ceiling can be penetrated within Society.
Ethnic Inequalities
Interactionist Theory
Labelling Theory
(Bowling et al)
(Townsley and Marshall)
-(Bowling et al)-Suggests that previous conformist perceptions of Asians,particularly Muslims have altered.
-(Townsley and Marshall)-‘Driving while Black’
Ethnic Inequalities
Subculturalist Theory
Immobilised at the bottom of the Economic Ladder (Pitts)
-(Pitts 2008)-Argues that Institutional Racism practised in Education and Employment means that Young Black People in the Uk often find themselves immobilised at the bottom of the Economic Ladder and cut adrift from the Values+Rewards of Mainstream Society.
Ethnic Inequalities
Subculturalist Theory
Paradox of Inclusion (Nightingale)
-(Nightingale) suggests a ‘Paradox of Inclusion’ exists for Young Black People,where they desire to be a part of Mainstream Society but are excluded by a Racist Society.
-They are more likely to find themselves in Poverty,and so Violence and criminality are the only means by which Respect and Wealth can be Achieved.
Age Inequalities
Age Inequalities
Dependency Culture (Murray)
Toxic Childhood (Palmer)
-(Murray)-Poor people not being Motivated to better themselves and find Paid Work.
-(Palmer)-As not all Children’s experiences of family or parents are positive.
-Average of 62 Children a day are referred to Agencies to Investigate Abuse+Neglect.
-4.3 Million children live in poverty.
Age Inequalities
Dual Labour Market Theory (Barron & Norris)
Meritocracy (Parsons)
-Young people likely to be concentrated in the Secondary Labour Market with Temporary Waged+Low Paid Work.
-Functionalists, such as Parsons,would argue that Minimum Wage acts as an incentive.
-851,000 young people (Aged 16-24) who were not in Education,Employment or Training (NEET)
-2013-13% of people aged 16-24 employed in Zero-Hour Contracts.
Age Inequalities
‘Dysfunctional,Deviant and Delinquent’ (Griffin)
Slimblondeness and Male Gaze (McRobbie)(Mulvey)
-This Labelling leads to a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, whereby Young People fulfil these Labels and Commit Crimes.
-(McRobbie)(Mulvey)-This puts lots of pressure on Young Women to conform to these Patriarchal Expectations, with this Pressure heightened through Development Social Media Apps.
-48% of 16-18 year olds born in 2000-2002 feel they are addicted to Social Media (Millennium Cohort Study)
Age Inequalities
‘Subterranean Values’ (Matza)
Functionalists (Parsons)
-(Matza)-Those which are potentially deviant,such as risk-taking and danger.When we are young,we will all drift in and out of deviance in pursuit of these values.Young people in particular will employ ‘techniques of neutralisation’
-Functionalists (Parsons)-See youth as a Transitional Stage from Childhood to Adulthood, as they seek independence from their families,youths get their sense of belonging from their families,youths get their sense of belonging from their peers.
-Arrests of Children have increased by 9% from 2022
-In 2022,2023-13,700 children increase in those arrested or sentenced.
Age Inequalities
‘Demographic time-bomb’ (Greengross)
Time poverty/Feminisation of Poverty (Chant)
-There are serious worries about the cost of future pensions and how the Government will play for the experience strain put in Adult Social Care.
-Elderly women are more likely to be in poverty than Elderly Men because they live longer and they generally receive Less from Earning Linked Private Pension Funds.
-2.1 Million Pensioners Live In Poverty.
-22% of Individuals over 75 live alone.
Age Inequalities
Disengagement Theory (Henry and Cummings)
Dual Labour Market Theory (Barron and Norris)
-Elderly deteriorates and need to be relieved of Responsibilities at Work+ are encouraged to abandon their Occupational Roles within the Labour Market, to allow for Young Members of Society to take up their Role.
-Elderly take up more,