Socialisation,Culture And identity Flashcards
Key Terms-Culture
-‘Way of Life’ of a society or group.
-‘Shared meanings,Values and Practises’
Key Term-Values
-Beliefs and Ideas that society see as important.
-Passed on from Generation to Generation.
-Examples-Changing roles of men and women in relationships.
Key Term-Norms
-Expected Patterns of behaviour that are based on values.
-Subject to change culturally and over time.
-Examples-Wearing a seatbelt in a car based on value of safety and obedience.
Key Term-Customs
-Historical Traditions of a society that mark it out as culturally unique.
-Example-4th of July
Key Term-Status
-Refers to social standing attached to particular roles.
-Ascribed or Achieved.
-Examples-Royal Family vs David Beckham.
Key Term-Subculture
-A culture within a culture,where a group develops distinctive norms+values that are different from culture.
-Examples-Music Taste,Dress Sense.
Key Term-Cultural Diversity
-Refers to the existence of a variety of cultures or ethnic groups within a society.
Key Term-Intracultural Diversity
-Differences that exist within society.
-Examples-Sexually Diverse,Social Class Diverse.
Key Term-Intercultural Diversity
-Differences that exist between cultures/Societies.
-Norms+Values may vary between cultures.
Key Term-Cultural Hybridity
-Mixing or merging of two or more cultures.
-Examples-White Wannabes (Nayak)-White men who gain influence from Black Hip-Hop culture.
Brasians (Ballard)-Mixing of British and Asian Culture.
Popular Culture (Mass Culture)
-Modern day Society.
-Elite look down on this culture.
-Enjoyed by the majority of Population.
-Media has been saturated.
-Dumbed Down Entertainment.
-‘Strinati’:Popular Culture through the Media has now saturated our society.
-Marxists are critical of this culture.
Consumer Culture (Young)
-Glamourises Materialistic Views.
-Constant Pressure to Consume.
-Being in debt is seen as more acceptable.
-Insecurity about Social Class.
-Rising living Standards/wages.
-People Gain Status in the eyes of others.
-Pester Power (Zaretsky)
-Grey Pound (Blaikie)-Anti-aging products/cosmeticisation.
High Culture (Bourdieu)
-Activities such as:Equestrianism,Polo,Fox-hunting and Opera.
-Look down on others for their lack of engagement with what they view as useful spending of time (Bourdieu).
-Social Closure-Hard to get in.
-Intellectually and aesthetically superior because they are of a higher level.
Global Culture-Hybrid Culture (McLuhan)
-‘Global Village’-The world is becoming more interconnected through social media and globalisation.
-Interconnected Socially.
-No longer distinctive to a country-Merging of Cultures.
-Most Economically developed/Western+USA spread views.
How does the Family transmit/Teach cultural Norms+Values?
-Teaching Communication,Speech.
-Learning how to use a knife and fork.
-Gender Roles.
Primary Socialisation
Functionalist Perspective
-See the females as the expressive leader who is mainly responsible for the nurturing and socialisation of children in Early Childhood,Children spend most of their time with their family,Child-rearing process,parents and grandparents transmit the dominant Cultural Values and Norms that Children need to learn in order to take their place in society.
Primary Socialisation
New Right Perspective (Murray/Sewell)
-Socialisation in Modern Society is becoming less effective as a result of increasing trends such as divorce and the absence of a father on many one-parent families.They suggest that the existence of social problems such as child abuse and drug addiction is evidence that some families damage children.
Primary Socialisation
Marxist Perspective (Zaretsky)
-Zaretsky-Function of Socialism is to instil capitalist values:-Obedience,Respect of Authority.
-Ensures individuals can be exploited later in life.
-Accept Inequality,Hierarchy—>Leads to Conformity and Subordination.
Primary Socialisation:Family
Feminist Perspective
-Contend that this process Socialises girls into accepting Subordination as they grow up seeing their mother spending more time at home and their father working and being the breadwinner.