Understanding Learning and Teaching Flashcards
What is the goal of all teaching?
Helping students learn and develop
What are the factors that have the most impact on students’ learning?
Curriculum and available materials, Standards, Class Size, The Teacher
What is the content that students study?
Statements describing what students should know or be able to do at the end of a period of study.
The number of students in a class.
Class size
Which factor has the most impact on student learning?
People’s professional knowledge and skills, social abilities, and personality attributes that contribute to a nation’s cultural and economic advancement.
human capital
People who are highly knowledgeable and skilled in a particular domain
“expert” teachers
What is Educational Psychology?
The academic discipline that focuses on the scientific study of human learning and teaching
What is the content of Educational Psychology?
It focuses on the professional knowledge you will acquire.
What is Professional Knowledge?
The knowledge and skills unique to an area of study.
How do learners construct knowledge?
Based on what they already know, and their emotions, beliefs and expectations all influence the process.
Teaching expertise requires knowledge of content and …
how to make the content meaningful to students
Is it acceptable to critique students?
Yes, it sets expectations and communicates that are capable learners, but only periodically and well-time criticism can enhance motivation.
What is the knowledge of content?
know basic facts and unique characteristics about the content
An Understanding of how to represent topics in ways that make them understandable to learners, as well as understanding of what makes specific topics easy or difficult to learn
Pedagogical Content Knowledge
How do we develop Pedagogical Content Knowledge?
Examples, Case studies and vignettes, simulations, models
real world, concrete instances
case studies
shorter case studies intended to make complex topics more understandable and meaningful.
Imitations of real world process or systems
These allow students to visualize what they can’t directly observe.
Involves understanding instructional strategies and classroom management that apply to all subject matter areas and topics.
General Pedagogical Knowledge
Instructional Strategies are a form of General Pedagogical Knowledge which involves the ability to…
know how to organize lessons, engaging students in learning activities and checking for understanding