Understanding Learning and Teaching Flashcards
What is the goal of all teaching?
Helping students learn and develop
What are the factors that have the most impact on students’ learning?
Curriculum and available materials, Standards, Class Size, The Teacher
What is the content that students study?
Statements describing what students should know or be able to do at the end of a period of study.
The number of students in a class.
Class size
Which factor has the most impact on student learning?
People’s professional knowledge and skills, social abilities, and personality attributes that contribute to a nation’s cultural and economic advancement.
human capital
People who are highly knowledgeable and skilled in a particular domain
“expert” teachers
What is Educational Psychology?
The academic discipline that focuses on the scientific study of human learning and teaching
What is the content of Educational Psychology?
It focuses on the professional knowledge you will acquire.
What is Professional Knowledge?
The knowledge and skills unique to an area of study.
How do learners construct knowledge?
Based on what they already know, and their emotions, beliefs and expectations all influence the process.
Teaching expertise requires knowledge of content and …
how to make the content meaningful to students
Is it acceptable to critique students?
Yes, it sets expectations and communicates that are capable learners, but only periodically and well-time criticism can enhance motivation.
What is the knowledge of content?
know basic facts and unique characteristics about the content
An Understanding of how to represent topics in ways that make them understandable to learners, as well as understanding of what makes specific topics easy or difficult to learn
Pedagogical Content Knowledge
How do we develop Pedagogical Content Knowledge?
Examples, Case studies and vignettes, simulations, models
real world, concrete instances
case studies
shorter case studies intended to make complex topics more understandable and meaningful.
Imitations of real world process or systems
These allow students to visualize what they can’t directly observe.
Involves understanding instructional strategies and classroom management that apply to all subject matter areas and topics.
General Pedagogical Knowledge
Instructional Strategies are a form of General Pedagogical Knowledge which involves the ability to…
know how to organize lessons, engaging students in learning activities and checking for understanding
What are examples of instructional strategies?
careful planning, organizing instruction and questioning skills.
Classroom environment that is Safe, orderly and focused on learning.
Classroom management
How do we construct classroom management?
Know how to plan, implement, and monitor rules and procedures, organize groups and intervene when misbehavior occurs.
Should one stop disruptions quickly?
No, it’s impossible to maintain an orderly classroom if we wait for misbehavior to occur.
an understanding of the learning process and how students learn and develop
knowledge of learners and learning.
What are developmental differences
age-related changes in students’ thinking, personalities and social skills exist
What is Developmentally Appropriate Practice?
the instruction that matches teacher actions to the capabilities and needs of learners at different developmental levels.
Name the five areas that provide guidance for teachers.
cognition and learning, motivation, social context - interpersonal relations, and emotional well=being, classroom management, assessment
Refers to thinking, thought- often sustained thought- which includes beliefs, perceptions, and expectations
the process whereby goal-directed activity is instigated and sustained
the actions that teachers take to establish an environment that spports academic learning, self-regulation and social and emotional development
classroom management
processes involved in making decisions about our students’ learning progress
classroom assessment
deliberately contemplating one’s own experiences and knowledge to regulate one’s thinking
reflective practice
process of systematically gathering information in attempts to answer professional questions
Different types of research in education.
quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, action and design-based research.
efers to the systematic, empirical investigation of phenomena using numerical data and statistical techniques
quantitative research
attempts to describe complex educational phenomena in a holistic fashion using non-numerical data
qualitative research
Examples of qualitative research
interviews, focus groups, observations, and case studies to describe the phenomena it is investigating.
research that combines quantitative and qualitative methods.
Mixed methods Research
research conducted by teachers or other school officials designed to answer a specficic school, or classroom, related question.
action reasearch
researching involving collaborative efforts between researchers and practitioners with the goal of solving real world problems
design-based research
a set of related patterns that researchers use to explain and predict events in the world
statements that describe what students should know or be able to do at the end of a prescribed period of study
state- led effort initiated in 2009 to establish a single set of clear educational standards for all states in essential content areas
Common Core Stated Standards Initiative
process of requiring students to demonstrate that they have met standards as measured by standardized tests
What is the Praxis Series
test most widely used for teacher licensure (theory into practice),
What is included in the Praxis tests?
Core Academic Skills for Educators (Core), Subject Assessments, Content Knowledge for Teaching Assessments
Knowledge and skills in reading, writing and math
Core Academic Skills
subject-specific content knowledge and general and subject-specific teaching skills needed for beginning teaching
Subject Assessments
subject- specific content knowledge with a focus on specialized knowledge used in K-12 teaching.
Content Knowledge
What does the Principles of Learning and Teaching tests measure?
General Pedagogical knowledge at one of four grade levels.
What are the four grade levels?
Early Childhood, K-6, 5-9 , and 7-12.
What type of questions does the Principles of Learning and Teaching test include?
multiple choice, short constructed response items based on information provided in classroom case studies
how many distinct ethnic groups live in the US as of 2017?
nearly 300
certain to have students in your schools and classes with very diverse backgrounds
Learner diversity
a device that includes a display screen connected to a computer and projector which allows information displayed on the screen to be manipulated with special pens or hands, stored in the computer, and recovered later for further use.
interactive whiteboard