Understanding, Leading, and Managing Work Groups Flashcards
Creative, innovative, and free thinking. Generates ideas and solves difficult problems.
Outgoing, enthusiastic, communicative. Explores opportunities and develops contacts.
Resource investigator
Mature, confident, identifies goals. Clarifies goals. Delegates effectively.
Challenging, dynamic, thrives on pressure. Has the drive and courage to overcome obstacles.
Sober, strategic, discerning. Sees all options and judges them objectively.
Monitor Evaluator
Cooperative, perceptive, and diplomatic. Listens and averts fiction.
Practical, reliable, efficient. Turns ideas into actions and organizes work to be done.
Painstaking, conscientious, anxious. Polishes and perfects.
Completer finisher
Single-minded, self-starting, dedicated. Provides knowledge and skills in rare supply.
a tendency to behave, contribute, and interrelate with others in a particular way
team role (Belbin)
most natural team role(s)
preferred Team Roles
team role(s) we can assume when needed
manageable Team Roles
team role(s) we should not assume
least preferred Team Roles
Action oriented roles
Shaper, Implementer, Completer Finisher (SIC)
People oriented roles
Teamworker, Resource Investigator, Co-ordinator (TRiCo)
Thinking roles
Specialist, Monitor Evaluator, Plant (SMP)
High Concern for Ppl, High Concern for Results
Team Management
High Concern for Ppl, Low Concern for Results
Country Club Management
High Concern for Results, Low Concern for Ppl
Low Concern for Results + Ppl
Impoverished Management
Mid Concern for results and ppl
Middle of the Road Management
Axes: Concern for results and concern for people
Managerial Grid
Taxonomy of Leadership Behaviors
Task-Oriented, Relationship-Oriented, Change-Oriented, External Leadership-Oriented
Axes: Supportive relationship, Task Behavior/Directive
Situational leadership
High Directive, High Support
Low Directive, Low Support
High Directive, Low Support
Low Directive, High Support
Supporting/Participating, Delegating/Observing
Coaching/Selling, Directing/Telling
Effective : Directing :: ??? : Ineffective
Directing vs. Coercing
Effective : Coaching :: ??? : Ineffective
Coaching vs. Manipulating
Effective : Supporting :: ??? : Ineffective
Supporting vs. Patronizing
Effective : Delegating :: ??? : Ineffective
Delegating vs. Avoiding
Transformational Leadership
Challenge the process
Inspiring a shared vision
Enabling others to act
Modeling the way
Encouraging the heart
Triangle of functional teams
- Delivering Results
- Mutual Accountability
- Commitment
- Surface and Resolve Conflict-dialogue
- Trust and Respect
Elements of Team Effectiveness
- Clear goals and roles
- Standards
- Leadership
- Concern for members’ welfare
- Use of team resources
- participative decision-making
- diversity of ideas
elements of standards
procedures, norms, quality checks
elements of team resources
communication, feedback, members’ skills
a follower-centric perspective that assumes that followers have their own schemas of an ideal leader
Implicit Leadership Theory
three themes of leading during crisis
attending to the person, taking charge and showing the way forward and sustaining the spirit.
Charisma is a particular salient aspect of leadership across cultures. But what is ALSO important to Filipino followers during a crisis?
leaders’ actions are more personal in nature, communicating care for the individual
interaction within a work group is primarily aimed at _______ ___ to achieve goals and make decisions in individual areas of
sharing info
Teams are also characterized as having members who identify highly with the team than other groups, who try to decrease power _______ and _________ among members,
power differentiation, social distance
Three main categories of roles
group task, group building/maintenance, individual
Four team roles (Belbin, 1996)
Leadership, Work Producer, Liaison and Team Maintenance.
Leadership roles
leader, shaper
Work Producer roles
worker, creator and complete finisher
team maintenance roles
team facilitator and monitor-evaluator
ex. of liaison role
resource investigator (unofficially)
what factors make loafing more likely?
- No measurement of individual performance
- When tasks are simple and additive rather than interdependent and complex
What two influences lead to conformity?
Informational influence – desire to be right; Normative influence – desire to be liked
Hackman’s three criteria to assess team effectiveness
- productive output of the work group should meet or exceed the performance standards of the people who receive and/or review the output.
- social processes used in carrying out the work should maintain or enhance the capability of members to work together
- group experience should satisfy rather than frustrate the personal needs
Assumptions of IPO
antecedent factors (inputs) that facilitate or hinder teamwork (processes) which in turn determine the results of team activities (output)
Critiques of IPO
- uses process to describe affective and cognitive states (not processes)
- doesn’t take into account how feedback affects the next set of IPOs
- implies linear relationship between I, P, O
roles are described by (three things)
authority, responsibilities, tasks (ART)