Understanding Herbal Actions Flashcards
herbs that cleanse the blood; support the function of the liver, spleen, kidneys, and bowels
Conditions aided by alteratives
skin eruptions and chronic diseases of the skin, allergies, headaches, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, cancer, nervous and mental disorders, dementia
relieve pain by lessening the excitability of the nerves and nerve centers - when taken internally they are referred to as analgesics
Conditions aided by anodynes
arthritis, sore muscles, joint pain, toothache, over-exertion, headache, sunburn, wounds, fractures
herbs that correct over acid conditions in the stomach and bowels; many can also be used to alkalize the blood
Conditions aided by antacids
dyspepsia, heartburn, reflux, bloating, belching, intestinal cramps, flatulence, irritable or inflamed bowel
herbs which have the capacity to expel or destroy intestinal worms and parasites
What should (generally) be combined with anthelmintics?
Laxative or cathartic herbs to make sure that the parasites are eliminated from the intestinal tract
Conditions aided by anthelmintics
Intestinal worms and parasites create a variety of symptoms including chronic diarrhea, bloating, gas, indigestion, cramping, intestinal pain, rectal/anal itching, bloody stools, fluid retention, weight loss/gain, ulcers, colitis, and irritable bowel
used to relieve and heal arthritic conditions
Conditions aided by antiarthritics
joint, connective tissue inflammation and pain
destroy or inhibit the growth of viruses and bacteria; sometimes called antizymotics
Conditions aided by antibiotics
any known, suspected, or threatened infection
help breakdown and eliminate excess mucus conditions
Conditions aided by anticatarrhals
chronic or excessive discharge from the nose, throat, lungs, stomach, intestines, or urinary tract; colds, flu, pneumonia
herbs used to relieve queasiness of the stomach, nausea, and vomiting
Conditions aided by antiemetics
nausea, morning sickness, motion sickness, nausea from vertigo, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy
reduce inflammation and relieve the associated swelling and pain
have the power to destroy or prevent the growth of bacteria and delay/prevent the decay of tissue and the formation of pus
Conditions aided by antiseptics
cuts, abrasions, wounds, indolent ulcers, abscesses, gangrene, frostbite, active infections
herbs that relieve nervous irritation, involuntary ticks, twitches, and tremors, muscular spasms, hacking coughs, convulsions, and cramps
Conditions aided by antispasmodics
cramps, muscle spasms, nervous ticks and tremors, dry cough, asthma, hiccough, restless legs, involuntary muscle movement
herbs that produce a mild laxative effect, without griping pains or purging
Conditions aided by aperients
occasional mild irregularity, constipation
herbs that correct conditions of impotence and low sexual desire
have a stimulating effect on the GI mucus membranes; aid digestion and expel wind from the stomach and bowels; sometimes called carminatives
When should stronger aromatics be avoided?
If inflammation of the stomach or bowels is present
Conditions aided by aromatics
gas, flatulence, bloating, dyspepsia, constipation, atonic conditions of the intestinal elimination
increase the firmness and tone of the tissues; drying by nature and lessen excessive discharges from the eyes, nose, intestines, urinary tract, vagina, draining abscesses, and indolent ulcers
herbs that, when tasted, promote the flow of digestive juices throughout the body, and stimulate the peristaltic action of the digestive tract; sometimes called digestives or stomachics
Conditions aided by bitters
constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, reflux, poor assimilation, anemia, dry mouth, irritable bowel, liver congestion, jaundice, skin eruptions and diseases
herbs that improve the power and regularity of the heartbeat
Conditions aided by cardiacs
irregular heart beat, arrhythmia, tachycardia, low blood pressure, high blood pressure, valvular prolapsus, weak heart
Stimulates the flow of bile