Timeline of Herbal Medicine Flashcards
Ebers Papyrus
one of the best preserved records of medical insights of the ancient Egyptians; filled with incantations, charms, magical formulas, symbols, prayers, and prescriptions (1500bc)
recognized as the “Father of Medicine” in the west; he believed in the innate healing ability of nature (vis medicatrix naturae) ; taught that medicine should build the patient’s strength through diet and hygiene
Pedanius Dioscorides
Roman army surgeon; compiled the first comprehensive reference of all known medical uses of plants throughout the empire (De Materica Medica)
Benjamin Rush
The only physician to sign the Declaration of Independence
Samuel Christian Hahnemann
recognized as the founder of Homeopathy; developed the law of similars - like cures like
Samuel Thomson
Father of Modern Herbalism in America
Louis Pasteur
“Germ Theory”; established that putrefaction and fermentation were caused by micro-organisms thus giving birth to the field of microbiology
Father Sebastian Kneipp
provided the link between European natural healing and American Naturopathy
Formation of the American Medical Association
Benedict Lust
introduced naturopathic healing to the US in 1892