Understanding Disability and Society Flashcards
umbrella term for impairments, activity limitations and participation restrictions
refers to the negative aspects of the interaction between an individual and that individual’s contextual factors.
problems in body function or alterations in body structure
explain the medical model of disability
- Emphasizes that person, and that person’s impairments as a cause of disease, trauma, or some other health condition.
- Focus of intervention is medical care an change health care policy
explain the functional model of disability
- Disability is caused by physical, medical, or cognitive deficits. The disability itself limits a person’s functioning or the ability to perform functional activities.
- Conceptualizes disability as an impairment or deficit.
explain the social model of disability
- Focuses on the barriers facing people with disabilities instead of concentrating on impairments and deficits of the person with a disability
- Focus of intervention is change in social policy
Its modification may improve health conditions, prevent impairments, and improve outcomes for persons with disabilities.
explain the relationship between disability and poverty
People with disabilities and their families are more likely to experience economic and social disadvantage than those without disability
state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
when everyone has the opportunity to “attain their full health potential” and “no one is disadvantaged from achieving this potential because of their social position or other socially determined circumstance”
health equity
absence of systematic disparities in health between and within social groups that have different levels of underlying social advantages or disadvantages—that is, different positions in a social hierarchy
health equity
explain the medical approach to health
- absence of disease or disability
- targets for health initiatives and health
problems: individuals with health problems or at high risk for health problems such as cancer, diabetes, obesity - Strategies to improve health: treat problems through surgery, drugs, illness care, medically managed behavior changes
- actions to avoid or remove the cause of a health problem in an individual or a population before it arises
primary prevention
actions to detect a health problem at an early stage in an individual or a population, facilitating cure, or reducing or preventing spread, or reducing or preventing its long-term effects
secondary prevention
actions to reduce the impact of an already established disease by restoring function and reducing disease related complications
tertiary prevention
explain behavioral approach
- physical functional ability and physical wellbeing
- individuals at high risk for health problems such as smoking, lack of fitness, limited life skills
- create healthy lifestyles through health education, social marketing, advocacy for public policies supporting lifestyle choices
explain socioenvironmental approach
- ability to do important and meaningful things
- high risk conditions or environment with health problems such as poverty, unemployment, pollution, hazardous working conditions
- creating healthy lifestyles through personal empowerment, community organization, small group development, political action, coalition advocacy
place that fosters a sense of connectedness, belongingness and relationship
all inhabitants of a place
social structure created by people to manage simple or complex functions
to respect, protect and promote human rights – race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, disability or other status
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
An act providing for the rehabilitation, self-development, and self-reliance of disabled persons and their integration into the mainstream of society and for other purposes
R.A. 7277: Magna Carta for Disabled Persons
An act to enhance the mobility of disabled persons by requiring certain building, institution, establishments, and other public utilities to install facilities and other devices.
B.P. 344: Accessibility Law
Entitlement to claim at least 20% discount from establishments relative to the sale of goods or services for their exclusive use or enjoyment
R.A. 9442
- no learner shall be denied admission based on their disability
- establishment of Inclusive Learning Resource Centers for Learners With Disability
- hiring of SPED teachers and specialist
- incorporation of a separate field of specialization on special needs education in the LET
- DepEd order no. 44 s. 2021
R.A. 11650: Instituting a Policy of Inclusion and
Services for Learners with Disabilities in
Support of Inclusive Education Act
- enhance the delivery of integrated mental health services.
- promote and protect the rights of persons utilizing psychosocial health services: establishment of a national mental health policy, stigma reduction, community-based mental health care
R.A. 11036: Philippine Mental Health Act
The right of every individual to be able to meet basic needs and to have equal opportunities and life chances to reach toward his/her potential but specific to the individual’s engagement in diverse and meaningful occupation
Occupational Justice