Understanding Culture Flashcards
Culture (from the____ “_____” (growing /cultivation or to cultivate)
Tabula rasa by
John locke
philosophies believed that people begin with no knowledge (or no self) and then, through empirical experiences, develop their understanding of the world and the self.
Tabula Rasa
is the complex whole of a society so this would include everything that gives a society its identity such as language, beliefs, values, customs, laws, norms, traditions, etc.
patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activities significance and importance.
can be “understood as systems of symbols and meanings”.
“________’ talks about moral values, behaviors, knowledge, beliefs, and symbols…..
Passed along by communication/ socialization from one generation to another.
i s t h e a c q u i r e d knowledge people use to interpret and generate behavior.” (James Spradley, Anthropologist)
We can learn culture both formally and informally.
Culture is learned
An individual’s patterns of thinking, feeling, and potential acting have been learned throughout his or her lifetime.
Culture is learned
Can be _____ directly
Through observation
Through experience
Through watching (docus) and reading books
Culture is learned
The first essential characteristic of culture
Culture is learned
People of the same community share: ➢ values, beliefs, and traditions
➢ literature and history
➢ language and mannerisms, and the way they communicate
➢ certain personality traits
➢ their roles in the family and society ➢ their occupations and lifestyles
Culture is shared by group of people
Culture is__ rather than static
Culture changes all the time
Cultures interact and change adapting to the changing environment
Culture is dynamic
are interrelated, interconnected parts that create a whole.
When one part of the system changes, other parts also change, since everything is connected.
❑ There are patterns of behavior, deeply rooted in structural systems.
Culture is integrated/ system
Humans create meaning between\____ and what they represent
are both verbal and nonverbal in form within cultural systems, and they have a unique way of linking human beings to each other
Meaning attached to symbols
Culture is (5)
Edward Hall
Explicit manifestations of culture Things that we can see, hear, taste, and touch
Surface culture
Food, arts and crafts, music, literature, fashion, dances language, greetings, dress, festivals, rituals, and games
Surface culture
Communication styles and rules, notions of manners, concepts of freedom, attitudes toward relationships and values, respect for authority, concepts of justice
Deep culture
Implicit manifestations of culture
Deep culture
~ Culture determines the nature of people.
Cultural determinism
It is based on their ideas meanings, beliefs, and values.
Cultural determinism
There is no limit of the abilities of people, hence proper cultural inputs can positively program the behavior of
people and make them true performer.
Cultural determinism
believes that human behavior is influenced by cultural factors, rather than biological.
Cultural determinism
✓ is the idea that a person’s beliefs and practices should be understood based on that person’s own culture
Cultural relativism
✓Differences may naturally exist among groups and societies.
Cultural relativism
✓Different cultural groups think, feel, and act differently.
Cultural relativism
✓This theory argues that culture is relative but not the same.
Cultural relativism
✓It can create loyalty among the same social group or people in the same society but it creates misunderstanding.
Cultural ethnocentrism
✓It occurs when a person believes that their own culturally specific practices or ideas are ‘natural’ or ‘right.’
Cultural ethnocentrism
✓It leads to negative judgments of the behaviors, groups, or societies.
Cultural ethnocentrism
✓ the process of judging another person’s culture through the lens of your own culture (World Atlas)
Cultural ethnocentrism
Basic Elements of Culture
Cognitive elements
Every culture has a particular___ which is passed by the person belonging to that particular culture to the next generation and the following generation also has to learn the _____.
instrument of: :communication.
is a medium or an instrument that is used to express one’s view and to keep forward: lone’s opinion.
It is a structured system of communication.
rule or a behavior pattern or trait considered typical of a particular social group.
Norms define two types of rules one of which must be followed by people of that particular [society these rules are known as “——”.
are norms of morality, or right and wrong, and if you break one it is often considered offensive to most people of culture.
The other rule tells the daily habits of individuals [of that society it is known as “_\” often referred to as “customs”.
According to the American sociologist\\\_, who coined the term, “folkways” are social conventions that are not considered to be of: : moral significance by members of the group but can be important for social acceptance.
William Graham Sumner
are a principle, propositions, ideas, convictions, and religious faith that are accepted as true or good.
For example, he refuses to compete on Sundays because of his religious beliefs that Sunday is a rest day and a family day.
The importance of ____ may differ for different people, belonging to different cultures. A__\ is something that is used for representation, [like a language, sign, numbers, figures, actions, marks clothing, food, arts, and pieces of literature.
sign of the cross means nothing for Hindus [but for Christians, this is a__ of Lord Jesus Christ
: are the moral principles and beliefs or accepted standards of a person or social group.
This also serves as :
miles honesty trust
a guide for human behavior that motivates people to act:
ntegrity quality service
one way or another.
Some___\ have intrinsic worth,
such as love, truth, and freedom.
vary across: cultures and time. Some____ are explained by society, in this way values of a particular society get accumulated and move forward from generation to generation.
are that element of culture that deals with the management of difficult times or natural calamities.
Cognitive elements
are that element
of culture that deals with the management of difficult times or
¡natural calamities.
Cognitive elements
are that element of culture that deals with the management of difficult times or natural calamities.
Cognitive elements
of culture are those through which an individual learns how to cope with an existing situation whether natural or social.
These qualities are learned by children and taught, to them, by their parents, so that their son/daughter can live with peace in a particular situation.
Cognitive elements
Among these elements are the processes of perceiving, recognizing, conceptualizing, learning, reasoning, and problem-solving.
Cognitive elements